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What do you think of Alma, Alva and Alba? Which do you like best?
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Alma!Alma all the way. I love it. I don't care for the other two. Alba is okay, but I instantly think of Jessica Alba, even though I couldn't care less about her. Alva- I just don't like the sound of it. It's also too close to Alvin for me. But Alma is lovely!
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Alba ftwSo cute, so spunky and I just adore the meaning. Yay, Alba!Alma and Alva are nrms, the sound just doesn't appeal to me. Of the two I prefer Alva.
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!Alba!I think Alba is so cute! Not a fan of the other two
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I like Alma the best. Alva and Alba are also nice.
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Alma - the Hungarian word for 'apple' is 'alma'... but I have come across it used albeit as a pretty rare name. It's pretty and understated.
Alva - makes me think of 'ulva'... like... sea plants. I'd call this my least favourite.
Alba - is okay, but there's something a little off-putting about it.In order of favourites it would be Alma, Alba, Alva. I can't say I'm really sold on any of them, though.
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They're good. They do sound antique, but in a neutral way.I'm not a big fan of Alba - because I don't care for the ba ending sound. But it's alright. I like Alma best. Alva is nice too, but not as warm; besides, I keep wanting it to be Elva.
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I lovelovelove Alma. It's a name I would consider for my future daughter. Alma June!
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I have recently fallen in love with Alba, so I easily like that one best. Alma is nice, too.I am not a fan of Alva, though.
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Alma is gorgeous. It's so soft and pretty. The others are rather harsh and ugly to me.
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I like Alma. She's beautiful but very unloved at the moment.
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Love Alma; really like Alba; like Alva.Alma is just so soft and feminine a name. It's so cute, plus I like A-names. Alba is spunky and packs a lot of punch for being so short. Alva is exotic and vamp-ish.
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Great names. Alma -- Calm, cool and collected. I love the meaning "soul." Very zen. [But I only like it pronounced with an "ah" sound at the beginning, not a short "a."]Alva -- Retro-chic and Celtic-esque. Fun. (See Ailbhe)Alba -- So beautiful it hurts. [Again, only with an "ah" sound at the biginning.]Which do I like best? That's difficult. Alba because it's the most usable. But they are all great.

This message was edited 5/17/2011, 9:23 AM

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I prefer Alma above the other two, then Alva and Alba. I don't enjoy any of them enough to consider using them, but they're nice enough names. I first heard Alba in the movie "The Time Traveller's Wife" and, initally, about wanted to wring the author's neck for choosing it when there are so many other beautiful names available but, over the course of the movie, I did get used to it.
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I don't really like Alva in English... it'd be fine in Spanish though because it would sound like Alba but I like the look of Alba much more anyway.
I really like Alma, I think it's great!
Alba is easily in my top 3. I LOVE it! I had a roommate named Alba 2 years ago, she was great and while I thought her name was weird at first, it grew on my quickly and I think it's fantastic now.
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Alma - I think it's kind of sweet. It's soft and a bit exotic feeling. I like the meaning a lot, too.
Alva - This is more masculine to me. On a girl it feels kind of... frozen and pointy. Interesting, but not my favorite thing.
Alba - This is pretty surnamey to me since that's the only way I've heard it. It sounds more masculine to me, too. I can't really imagine what I'd think of it on a girl.These also all make me think of Alta, which was my husband's great-grandmother's name.I like Alma best, easily.
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AltaI've never come across Alta before. Neat! Thanks.
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In case you're curiousHer name was Alta Minnie. Aww! :)

This message was edited 5/17/2011, 9:54 AM

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Even betterAlta Minnie is doggone darling. Plus, it goes from high (Alta) to low (mini). I wonder if that was intentional or just a neat by-product. Either way it's the cat's meow.
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I like them all, but my favorite is Alva. I like the fact that it's kinda-sorta unisex without being too obvious, thanks to Thomas Edison.
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I love Alma. I think it's really sweet!I don't care for Alva or Alba.
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I don't care for any of the names enough to be able to differentiate which is better, so I looked at the meanings. In order of which name is the best based on being similar sounding but different meaning I say that they are in this order:Alma
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