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I love the name Milo for a son, but alas I can't use it because it clashes with my last name. I like the name Miles also (though not with the love I have for Milo) and it sounds just fine with my last name. Do you think Milo could work as a nn for Miles?? Perhaps if he was named Miles Owen? Also, do you prefer Miles or Myles... and what connotations do you have with this name (I can't get Miles Davis out of my head).Thanks guys!
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I think Milo would be just fine as a nn for Miles. Makes sense to me.The strongest association I have with Miles is actually a classics professor I had in university. I can't remember what exactly she was lecturing about, but at some point she said "so if you know anyone named Miles, that's where it comes from. The word for soldier."
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I'm most likely naming my son Milo, partly to honor my father in law Myles. I thought about using Myles and calling him Milo, but then I think I would have to call him Mylo with a 'y' and it looks funny to me. So I'm kind of torn here too! I say use Miles and call him Milo. I have no connotations with this name, I don't even know who Miles Davis is! The only thing I can think of is the movie Milo and Otis (cute movie) which isn't a big deal. Every name reminds you of some thing, right? Good luck!
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Sort of but Milo and Miles give totally different vibes to me. Milo's cool, young and vaguely Latin, Miles is old-fashioned and fastidious. I don't associate directly with Miles Davis, more with "miles" as in a measurement. And I don't care for Myles.
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Milo definitely works as a nickname. Miles Owen is a great combo.I don't have any connotations with this name, apart from obviously the word "miles" as in a distance. I definitely prefer it spelled with an I rather than Y - the Y looks like it's trying to be trendy. Also I think people would assume it was with an I and you don't want to have to correct them all the time. If you used the Y spelling, it would make Milo into Mylo which jsut doesn't look as good!
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I can see Milo as a nickname for Miles. I prefer Miles over Myles. I also like the name Miles a lot more than I like Milo. Milo sounds like a dog name to me.
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I love both Milo and Miles, and I don't see why they can't be interchangeable. They're very similar.
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I can understand the conundrum. I too love Milo with a passion and also like Miles. I think Miles O____ is a brilliant way to use Milo as a nickname. I'm so very jealous that I never thought of it myself. I prefer Miles to Myles, just because of current trendy creative spellings that incorporate a lot of superfluous y's. No major Miles associations here. I taught a Miles two years ago. He was 10. Great kid. Miles Owen is nice. I also like Miles Oliver.
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