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Thoughts? Which spelling to you prefer? Do think Forrest Gump has faded away sufficiently, or would he be in for a lifetime of "Run, Forrest, run!" and stupid-is-as-stupid-does jokes? Any combo ideas?
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I don't really like it, but not because of Forrest Gump, I just don't really like word names.
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Either spelling is ok. I neither love nor hate it. Nice change from current trends would be my thought. Could be either fn or mn... Pair with these according to which you think is better.Justin
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Prefer DeForrest
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DeForrestation? Shame on you!
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I don't... sounds like an anti-conservation statement.
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I could never dislike DeForest thanks to DeForest Kelley--I'm a Trekker from way back, after all. He's got to be the only positive association that could be made, though, for a name that sounds just like "deforest." I also can't help thinking "can't see d'forest for d'trees," but that's me being silly.
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I know someone with the last name DeForest. I always thought it sounded like a verb though, as in deforestation...
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One can't pretend Forrest doesn't sound like a word.
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But "forest" is a word with positive associations, which can't really be said for 'deforest' (is that a real word?).
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I wouldn't call "The place you go to get ticks" a positive association.
DeForest has DeForest Kelley. You gotta like him.
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Maybe you wouldn't but I'd call "the place where one can find peace and sanctity" and "the place least touched by society" and "the place that houses wildlife" positive associations.Just because YOU don't like the forest doesn't mean everyone is going to have the same negative associations as you. Judging by this thread I think it's safe to say that most people have positive associations with forests
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Deforest is a real word!Forest is a nice word. It means "forest." Deforest means to destroy a forest.
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Yeah same. And I know a few people with it as a first name, which I think is totally hilarious.
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I love, love, love Forest! I would never use it myself but gosh, do I love it. I don't think the Forrest Gump association as faded away but I don't really think it's such a bad association.My GP combo is Forest Archer. I once saw Darcy Forest in a BA and fell in love with it.
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Ooh, Darcy Forest is awesome.
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I do think it would make an awesome MN (I, like kudriashkajo had never really considered it there before) but I think it will be a looooooooong time before the "run, Forrest, run" jokes won't be an issue anymore - just ask an Adrian or Adrienne if the "yo Adrian" jokes have died out yet
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What's the "Yo Adrian" reference? Haven't heard that one before.
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It's from the end of Rocky. He yells to his girlfriend from the ring, "Yo Adrian, I did it." Actually he yells her name a lot in the movieMost people I know named Adrian hear that line ALL the time. And the movie is from 1976
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Ok... I know of the movie, but have never watched it... Fighting just doesn't do it for me...
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That's a good comparison...they even both won best picture, just 20 years or so apart.
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I like it. As far as spelling goes, I prefer Forest. I think of a forest before I think of Forrest Gump when it's spelled like the word. Forrest Gump is still well-known, but I don't know how many kids will end up seeing the film as the years go on. Their parents might bring up the association, but they'd probably be less likely to tease him over it. Even if they do tease him, "Run, Forrest, run!" doesn't seem like something that will scar him for life or anything. Combos:
Forest Alexander
Forest Jonathan
Forest Julian
Forest Adrian
Forest William
Forest Charles
Forest Gabriel
Forest Leon
Forest Edward
Forest Edmund
Forest Andrew
Forest Conrad
Forest Daniel
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I really like Forest Andrew and Forest Alexander. Thanks!
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I think I like the spelling Forest best. And I didn't even think about Forrest Gump until I opened the thread. For me, the person that comes to mind when I see the name Forest is Forest Cuch, former director of Indian affairs in Utah. A great man!
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Yay, it cheers me that somebody didn't think of Gump. :) You might be in the minority, unfortunately.
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I love Forrest! That's the spelling I prefer. It's so intelligent and musical and... forest-y. I don't know if the Forrest Gump association would ever go away. It's going to be one of those movies that's a classic and people will always watch, I think. Although not young kids, so I guess getting Run, Forrest, run yelled at you wouldn't be a big problem.The only Forrest I've ever met was this guy who went to our church when I was a kid/was the father of a girl I went to school with. He played trumpet and made a very good Forrest.And now my Forrest combos:
Forrest Dara - love this
Forrest Eamonn
Forrest Emlyn
Forrest Evan - and love this, and I like it with that kind of name, I guess
Forrest Ira - and love this
Forrest Kipling
Forrest Morgan
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"A very good Forrest"--I like that. :)Forrest Evan is great!
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I like the Forest spelling, because it feels so delightfully woodsy. I think Forest/Forrest would make a wonderful middle name option, but I fear the "Run, Forrest, Run!" jokes would be haunting if it were a first name. Wow, yeah, I really like it in the middle. I've never considered it before. Thanks!
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Hmm, it actually sounds lovely with many of my favorites. I think it's going on my middle name list, too.
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I pretty much agree here. I definitely prefer Forest because it's more "forest" and less "random name that sounds like forest".
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