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Thoughts on Serafina
I've been thinking a lot about Serafina lately.I always felt like maybe I would just choose to use Dante for a daughter since it was my partners favorite girls name. But his favorite girls name means a lot less to him than my favorites girls name. And in the years since I was first thinking this my partner has expressed to me how important naming our first son Arthur is to him. With time it has grown in importance to him. He was thinking at first it didn't even need to be Arthur, maybe Arturus or Artair or a daughter Artemis since his grandpa hated his own name but loved Artie. But lately he's been wanting a son Arthur more and more. Keiran was always our favorite boy's name but now there is a chance we might not end up using it.So lately I've been thinking a lot about Serafina. It has been my favorite name since I first heard it in middle school. I still have quite a few years since we plan on starting to have children. But I've been thinking that maybe I should push for Serafina if he gets to choose Arthur and agree to use Dante or whatever name he would want for a second daughter if we have one. What are your thoughts on the matter? Also no matter what even if I don't push for Serafina I plan on us using Arthur for our first son if it is still important to him.Also neither of us are Polish or Italian. Do you feel that it is weird for us to name a daughter Serafina if we aren't Italian or Polish? I do have the tiniest bit of Portuguese in my ethnic background.Also what are your gut reactions to Serafina with the nn Sera or Fi / Fee? Also what nn do you prefer for Serafina? Sera, Fina, Fi / Fee, or something else?Do you feel that Serafina goes well with Arthur and Keiran? What about Arthur and Dante (g)? What about Arthur and Keira my partners second favorite girls if we didn't have a Keiran?Thank you for your responses. :) Feel free to respond to all or just one or two of my questions if you don't feel like giving feedback on all my musings.

This message was edited 9/4/2012, 2:02 PM

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I love Serafina, although I prefer Seraphina. Its actually my favorite name.I don't know how well it goes with Kieran and Arthur... they are pretty plain. Also, I can't imagine Dante on a girl at all.
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Honestly...I used to really love it a lot about 2 years ago, but now I feel it's one of those really long ultra-feminine names that I fail to see the appeal in, a la Valentina and Tatiana (although really, who am I to judge when I adore names such as Anastasia, Artemisia and Raphaela? Hypocritical much?). However I quite like the name Serafin for a boy.
But honestly, I do think that between Serafina and Dante for a girl, you should fight for Serafina. Pleeeaaaase tell me Dante is a feminine name separate from the Italian boys name in another language.
And do I think that Serafina is weird on a non-Italian and/or Polish girl? Not exactly. A Serafina with a non-Italian and/or Polish last name wouldn't sound inheritantly strange, as long as the last name suits. (not that you need to share our last name with the whole forum, actually I'd rather you didn't on your behalf hahah). If this bothers you I can only suggest the spelling Seraphina as a...uh...more "Anglo-friendly" alternative (that's the only way I could describe it).
Regarding nicknames, I do not find 'Sera' a particularly attractive nickname for Serafina (not that I don't like the name Sarah though). The only nicknames I remotely like for Serafina are 'Rafi' (which definately wouldn't suit everyone!) or 'Fi'. Fi is short, easy to remember and sounds reasonably pleasant.
I'd say that Serafina goes better with Arthur more than Keiran, but all together it doesn't sound too bad. It doesn't go with Keira at all.
Might I suggest the names Aurelia and Severina?

This message was edited 9/5/2012, 12:13 PM

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I like Serafina and prefer Sera as a nickname, despite it sounding like Sara(h). It's pretty straight-forward spelling-wise and sound-wise, so I think it fits in just fine with English-speakers; doesn't feel like it needs a Polish or Italian surname/heritage to "make sense". I think it does sound well with Arthur and Keiran or Keira (Ciaran or Ciara even better!).Dante is very, dashingly, masculine to me. I can't imagine it on a girl at all. Would you folks consider Bronte?
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I'm not a fan of Bronte personally. There are very few female B names that I care for. My favorite B name is Beatrice. I also like Beatrix and Beatriz.Bronte actually has always sounded more masculine to me than Dante. I think Dante sounds like the name Dawn with tay added at the end, at least that is how the name is pronounced around here. Bronte sounds like the word brawn with tay added at the end. I dislike the brawn part of Bronte.But Dante is pronounced differently in certain parts of the US and in other countries. Which might cause some problems but that is also true for some other names as well, especially Greek names. Artemis and Athena are some of the few Greek names that the English pronunciation is close to the Greek pronunciation.I met a female Dante before when visiting Sol Duc hotsprings in the Olympic National Park. She was a Salish Indian from one of the local tribes. I think she was part Lower Elwa and part Quileute. She was a very cute little girl and I talked a bit with her grandfather and mentioned that my partners favorite girls name was Dante.The idea for us of a female Dante came from watching Full Metal Alchemist (the first one, not Brotherhood). Full Metal Alchemist is an anime.

This message was edited 9/4/2012, 11:00 PM

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I do pronounced Dante the way you do (have never heard it pronounced otherwise), I just don't associate "dawn" with the name. I think of Edmond Dantes from "The Count of Monte Cristo" and also of the poet, Dante Alighieri. I've never seen, or heard of, the anime you mention. I do like the name, Dawn. And now by brain is popping up with Dawn Tea, like actress Tea Leoni (I'm challenged; don't know how to make that little mark over the "e".). I pronounce Bronte with a "tee" sound at the end, rather than "tay", but if it's the first syllable you object to, that doesn't help. I also like Bronwen, but don't think "brawn". As an aside, Bear posted some suggestions for somebody that included Betrys, the Welsh variant of Beatrice. It caught my eye, so thought I'd mention it to you since you like some of Beatrice's forms. :)
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If I were you, I'd definitely push for Serafina! Let him have Arthur. Dante would make a handsome name for another son. ;-) I can't imagine it on a female at all due to its sheer masculinity. Re: the spelling, I do prefer Serafina to Seraphina due to personal aesthetics, however, it would ultimately depend on the surname for me. For you, go with the spelling you prefer. I do think Sera is nice but not very special because of its similarity to Sara. You've got this gorgeous, exotic name, Serafina. Don't waste it on Sera! I like Fee / Fi, Fina and even Seri (although it may be misunderstood as Sara).I think Serafina and Dante go very well together. Likewise, I'd rather see Seraphina in the same sibset with Arthur. Again, it's up to you. Life's too short to worry about what others think. BTW, I love Ciaran and Ciara. Love them. I just can't get on board with variant spellings. Call me a name snob, call me a purist, but I just think variant spellings detract from the integrity of a name.

This message was edited 9/4/2012, 6:30 PM

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Well I love the spelling Ciaran but I also love the spelling Keiran. My partner only likes Keiran though maybe his opinion will change in the future.My favorite spelling is Serafina but I like Seraphina. He likes the name Serafina though it is not his style. My partner dislikes the spelling Seraphina but maybe that opinion will change.His name tastes change more than mine do since he doesn't give names much thought when he encounters them day to day.Like the first time I mentioned Keiran / Ciaran / Kieran he said he didn't like it. Then he was reading a book one day and asked me how to pronounce a name in it. It was Keiran and I told him how to pronounce it. He said that's a cool name. I said don't you remember when I asked you what you thought of that name because I liked it? He said no sorry sometimes I don't pay much attention to names.Since then Keiran has been our favorite boys name and that was about 6 - 8 years ago. He pays closer attention these days when we talk about names but I rarely discuss names with him since I know he's not as interested in them. He says when we actually are pregnant and expecting then we can talk to my hearts content with him about names.

This message was edited 9/4/2012, 10:24 PM

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I like Serafina. I think Seraphina has had some attention since it's a celebrity baby name and Serafina has been forgotten about. I find it less OTT and princessy than Seraphina. There is also a character in Looking for Alibrandi named Serafina "Sera". That was where I first encountered the name.I would rather see Serafina than Dante, on either gender.I think Serafina goes well with Arthur but not Keiran. Keiran I get a completely different vibe from. I also grew up with a bunch of Keirans so I don't see it as being as exotic or intriguing as Serafina and to some extent Arthur. Keira on the other hand goes quite nicely with Serafina.I think you can get away with using Serafina without the particular ethnic background.And I like Sera for a nickname, and then Fina. :)
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It sounds as if you will end up doing what my parents did: Dad chose the male names and Mom chose the feminine ones, but each got a veto on the other's choice. For example, Dad's favorite for a boy was Percy which made my mother run screaming from the room. So he used his back-up choice Peter, which Mom was fine with. I can't imagine my brother Peter being a Percy!So yeah, if you're willing to give him the boy's name that is dear to his heart he should be willing to give you what you desire most -- assuming he has no strong objections to it. In the end you both have to love (or at least like) the name.Serafina / Seraphina is gorgeous. I would use the nn Seffie or Sera, but Fina is sweet too. Personally I can't see Dante on a girl, but Serafina Dante does flow well as a combo. Arthur, Kieran and Serafina all share an artsy, intellectual charm. They blend together surprisingly well. Although, to me any names that are classics blend well. :-P I think it's more important that their names sound well with your surname and will serve them individually throughout their lives, rather than how well they match each other. You are not naming candle sticks. So relax, breathe, and multiply safe in the knowledge that little Serafina will one day thank you for giving her such a kick-a$$ name. :-)
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