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What do you think of the name Shoshannah? It's come back on my radar lately since I've been watching Weeds and one of the actors is named Shoshannah Stern. Lovely girl. I've always loved the spelling Shoshana, but I'm curious what you all think. Do any of these combos seem particularly good? Any other suggestions are also welcome.Shoshannah Lily (sticking to the meaning)
Shoshannah Vivian
Shoshannah Willow
Shoshannah Hazel
Shoshannah Elaine
Shoshannah Wren
Shoshannah Claire
Shoshannah Emily
Shoshannah Phoebe
Shoshannah Eloise
Shoshannah Lucy
Shoshannah Madeline
Shoshannah Louise
Shoshannah Beth
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I don't know about Shoshana. It's lovely, but something about it puts me off. All the 'sh' sounds just make it seem slurred. I do still really like Shoshana, Shoshannah looks kind of messy though, maybe it's just too long? I love Susannah loads so it's probably all those extra letters combined with the heavy 'sh' sounds that stop me liking Shoshannah. Anyway, I prefer Susannah / Susanna / Susana / Susanne / Suzanne - basically most Susannah variants - to Shoshana. Maybe the name would grow on me if I heard it more. Your combos are nice, I love Shoshannah Lily and Shoshannah Willow a lot. Shoshannah Phoebe goes really well, even though I dislike Phoebe. Here's a few ideas:
Shoshannah Ruby
Shoshannah Iris
Shoshannah Gloria
Shoshannah Lior
Shoshannah Nurit
Shoshannah Ayelet
Shoshannah Avital
Shoshannah Dalia
Shoshannah Gail
Shoshannah Bryony
Shoshannah Hero

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This message was edited 2/9/2013, 4:21 PM

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I love Shoshannah! Shoshana looks incomplete to me. I'm liking

Shoshannah Vivian
Shoshannah Wren
Shoshannah Beth -prefer Shoshannah Elizabeth
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I know a young lady who carries this as her Hebrew name, the one she goes by among family and close friends. I've only heard it said, so not sure how she spells it. I've known the family for a few years now and this gal is everything lovely inside and out...kind, responsible, smart and studious. She's got her head on straight and knows what she wants; she's recently started college. I can't help but have a good impression of the name. I think all of your pairings are nice but I best like the feel of Shoshannah Wren and Shoshannah Beth. I also like the sound of Shoshannah Lily, though I think "lily" "lily", but non-namenerds wouldn't do that.
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I love Shoshannah, and think it's absolutely gorgeous and much better than Susannah (which gets the "Oh, Susannah" song stuck in my head).Out of your combos, I feel that these are the loveliest:Shoshannah Vivian
Shoshannah Willow
Shoshannah Wren
Shoshannah Beth

This message was edited 2/9/2013, 9:55 AM

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I love Shoshannah. It's a beautiful name, IMO.Shoshannah Lily is my fave combo.
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Shoshannah is a very interesting name. It's beautiful. Even though more to me like Šošana.Shoshannah Agatha "Godd Lily"
Shoshannah Aimée "Lovable Lily"
Shoshannah Agnes "Chaste Lily"
Shoshannah Aranka "Golden Lily"
Shoshannah Bjela "White Lily"
Shoshannah Brighid "Exalted Lily"
Shoshannah Danica "Morning Star Lily"
Shoshannah Zora "Morning Star Lily"
Shoshannah Deva "A girl Lily"
Shoshannah Esmé "Loved (esteemed) Lily"
Shoshannah Flavia "Blonde Lily"
Shoshannah Fleur "Flower Lily"
Shoshannah Frances "French Lily"
Shoshannah Halka
Shoshannah Ilisa
Shoshannah Iwona
Shoshannah Isis
Shoshannah Jara "Spring Lily"
Shoshannah Jasna "Forceful Lily"

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I like it, but I think it's a little too complicated and thus I prefer Susannah. I like the combos with Lily, Willow, Wren, Phoebe and Louise
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Voted on your name list and enjoyed it! But I think Freida should have been Frieda - it's such an easy typo.I prefer Shoshana - less is more - but I like Susannah better than either.
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I adore Shoshana (favorite spelling). I was really introduced to it by Inglorius Basterds. I like most of those combos. Shoshana can dress up or down pretty easily. :)
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Always loved the name and always preferred the spelling Shoshana too. As for the combos, I love the mn's Lily, Willow, Hazel, Emily, Phoebe, Eloise, Lucy, Madeline and Beth.
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