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Matilda & Scarlett
What do you think of the names Matilda & Scarlett?
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I like them both. And I think they work fine as a sibset.
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I love Matilda (also in the spelling Mathilda) and think it's sweet and pretty and the best kind of vintage all at once. I'm not so fond of Scarlett, though. I know it's a "vintage" name, too, but my main association with the name is of course Scarlett O'Hara, and also Mrs Weasley's use of the term "scarlet woman" once in the Harry Potter books as a negative comment.
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I love Scarlett, I think it's a lovely classic name that's also fresh because of how underused it is. I think Matilda is very pretty too even though it's not a name I would use.
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I am very fond of Matilda especially with the nn Tilly. Scarlett is alright, though the "scar" part always grates on me a little. I much prefer Scarlett for a mn.
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I like them both, individually.
As a sibset, no.
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When she was a kid, my sister had a large stuffed gorilla named Matilda so I always thought the name was kind of silly. But it's grown on me lately. I do love Matti and Tilly. So while I wouldn't use Matilda, I can still appreciate it.Scarlett is not my style at all. And I especially dislike the "scar" at the beginning.
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I love Matilda but I feel like it's one of the first names that started the old name resurgence. Not that that's a bad thing, but it almost gives it a trendy flavor that makes me grimace. I think there are a lot of children named Matilda right now (especially in Hollywood, it seems) but I've never met one of any age that I know of.Scarlet (never Scarlett) is a name I really like. I dislike the scar sound but not enough to stop me liking the name. It just seems so fiery and saucy. There could never be a demure--or blonde--Scarlet.
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Hate Matilda, love Scarlett
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I love Matilda, it's one of my top favourites. I think it's sweet and clunky, strong and pretty. I love Tilly and Tildy.I am not really a fan of Scarlett. I think it's unpleasant soundy, with terrible nickname options, and it's got a somewhat tacky vibe to it for me, based on personal associations.
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Matilda has never appealed to me much. I share glassmidnight's image of "vintage tea set" except to me it seems antiquated and fussy, as well as cozy and elegant. It's a square-sounding, doughy name in my mind. I met an active and imaginative little girl named Matilda who dispelled that a little bit, but not really enough.If I did like Matilda a lot, I'd fret a little about it being less shiny because it's among all the McSurname names + Michaela variants that are trendy, since it shares a lot of sounds with them. Makayla Makenna McKenzie etc.I used to really like Scarlett. It was like Charlotte's wilder sister. But ... I dunno. It suits certain people, like the daughter of an occasional poster here, Lillian - it's smart and adventurous but not sly. But it's so bold and colorful yeah, sometimes can seem harsh. On someone like me, or a few of my friends I can think of, or on someone like Ashley Wagner or Jennifer Aniston or Hilary Clinton ... it could also come off a little abrasive and theatrical IMO. So ... I dunno.

This message was edited 2/16/2014, 10:41 AM

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Matilda is growing on me. I like the nickname Tilly for it. It has a sort of cozy elegance to it, like vintage teacups and saucers, but still has a little spunk to it. Scarlett, however, is not for me.
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Very nice as a sibset. Both are nice. Matilda is a little more girly and Scarlett a little more bold to me.
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They seem to be hipster favorites at the moment, so I'm a little burnt out on them. I like Matilda, but I never liked Scarlett much. Sounds violent.
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I do not like Matilda. I almost hate it, in fact, even though it does seem to be getting extremely popular:) I like Scarlett, though! Scarlett is very feminine, yet a bit daring and adventurous:)
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I don't particularly care for either, but they are easy to spell and pronounce, and I find them respectable despite not really liking the way they sound. Matilda sounds clunky to me, and Scarlett is too harsh for my liking. If you're considering them for siblings, I think they go together well.
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Scarlett is marginally better than Matilda, which imo isn't saying much. They're both awful, Hollywood-trendy, LOOK AT ME!!! names I have real trouble picturing on a real ordinary person.
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Matilda has been growing on me lately, especially with the nicknames Matty, Tilly or Tilda. I used to really dislike it but I guess I don't any more.I love Scarlett. I can't decide whether I like Scarlet more, though...
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I like Matilda, but the nn Mattie is getting old. Perhaps Tilly or Tilda as an alternative if you don't plan on calling her consistently as Matilda?Scarlett, while lovely because it brings up visions of antebellum south and fiery reds is also somewhat tarnished because I find it to be somewhat stripper stage-namey. Tarnishes it a bit.
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