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Josiah & Luna
What are your thoughts on the names, Josiah & Luna? I've never been too crazy for them myself but I was just curious to see other opinions on them. So thoughts?
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Josiah is too religious for my taste, but I like Luna, especially with a Spanish pronounciation.
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Luna is pretty in a gentle, moonlit way. Josiah is nice, and I think the nickname Josie might be rather interesting and fun on a boy rather like the outlaw Josie Wales. To me, Josiah is name that takes on a lot of the characteristics of the names surrounding it. For instance if Josiah was part of a sibling group of exclusively Old Testament Bible names, the name would feel heavier and more solemn than if it were in a sibling group with a Luna. Not all Bible names seem as influenced by the other names in the sibling group, but somehow Josiah is a name that my impression varies with the context of the name.

This message was edited 12/14/2016, 8:02 PM

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Josiah is too biblical for me and Luna is nice as a character name (*coughcoughHarryPottercoughcough*) but not as an actual name.
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There are many better names than Josiah if you want a son called Joe. Joseph itself, and Joel (which I'd use if Joseph wasn't a family name). Josiah is just plain old.Luna is too close to 'loony' and once again there are alternatives: Selena and Diana are both preferable.Btw, I've met a Luna who must be close to retirement age by now. Pleasant enough person, bright in her way (an academic) and perhaps too feisty. She didn't inspire any major love or hatred for the name, but I wouldn't consider it for one moment anyway.
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I like Josiah fine. Not my favorite, but not bad. Strong biblical roots, but a bit of a feminine / soft feel like Ezra has to me. Luna I don't like. It feels more like a word than a name to me. I wouldn't be surprised to see or hear it, though.
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Josiah: I like it but it's not really my style. I think it sounds soft and pretty, but it's a little too obviously biblical for me and I'm not a huge fan of J names. Isaiah is a similar name that I like better. Luna: I like this one a lot, it's defiitely my style and I'd definitely be willing to use it on a baby. I like the moon / moon names in general as well as this name in particular. (I'm not sure if this was part of your question, but I don't like these names together or as a sibset. Josiah could maybe be Luna's dad, but I don't think they'd be good sibling names.)ALSO: I'm sayng Josiah with an "s" (not a "z"). I think I've heard it both ways, but "s" sounds better IMO.

This message was edited 12/13/2016, 7:26 PM

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I used to LOVE Josiah, but now, it's kind of ick when I think it and too religious when I say it, which is funny because I now love Ephraim, which I consider a similar style.Luna is another former favorite. Sometimes, I still think it's nice and like the soft sounds of it, but it creates fleeting phantom feelings in my head these days, probably because it's been driven into my head that the name has to do with such head-related things as lunacy and lunatic. Unfortunate. I think Josiah & Luna look nice together for siblings, but don't vibe the same when said. Luna is a shining pale yellow and Josiah is orange, if you're curious about my arbitrary associations.
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Color associationsWow, I have synesthesia and I associate those names with the exact same colors! Just interesting because everyone I know/have talked to who has synesthesia has completely different color associations.
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For me Luna seems like a soft light blue, and Josiah is a dark forest green. However, I can imagine the names with colors other than my first association.
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I'm not sure if I count as a synesthete, as my associations aren't something I "see," nor are they something I envision in boldness. Some are more automatic than others, to the point where I don't really notice it. Others, I feel like I have to really focus in to know what color it is, so I don't know if I'm making it up or what. The colors are consistent across time though, so... I can remember noticing the colors as far back as when I first started thinking of names in 2nd grade. Oh, and it only applies to names!Either way though, it's cool that our colors match up! I know that doesn't seem to happen often. :)
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I think that counts. That's similar to how it is for me. I mean, it might apply to words, I've just never thought about them. Letters and letter combinations form the colors, and some dominate an entire name, and some make a name lots of colors. It's hard to explain the sense that is used to perceive them, though. You don't literally see them, obviously. You don't even think them. They just are. I never knew that this wasn't a normal phenomenon until I joined BtN however many years ago and people mentioned it. I remember liking names as a 7 or 8 year old because they were certain colors too.
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I've got the same ones for Luna, too. Think it's because it means 'moon'? Josiah is bright blue for me.
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am I the only one with moon=silver?
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Luna for me is a midnight blue, which again kind of makes sense, but maybe I'm also influenced by Ravenclaw. =P
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Not sure if I qualify as a synesthete (see comment above), but I wonder if there's a "moon" influence too. I picture most L names with some sort of yellow to them though, so there's that. I find that the first letter is more dominant or something. There's a bit of a general pattern to what colors things are. For example, L tends to be yellow, J tends to be orange, R tends to be red, and H is more likely to have a grayish haze to it.
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Most of my L- names are that same color! My Rs are red too. H is orange and J is blue though.
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Since both of you automatically think of R in terms of red, isn't it highly associative? If you lived in a culture where the color red was identified as hóng (Chinese) or aka (Japanese) or krasnyy (Russian), do you think you would associate the color with a different letter?
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I really have no opinions on Josiah. It's not bad, just NMS.I absolutely love Luna. The only aspects I don't like about it is its popularity and its associations with the words lunatic and loony. But the Luna Lovegood and moon goddess associations make it so beautiful to me and I'd use it if not for its popularity.
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Where do you live that Luna is so popular? Just curious, cuz it's not that common here in the States. :)
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I live in the States and it's been getting more popular here, especially since Harry Potter. I haven't met any Lunas IRL, but I know a lot of people like the name. It's also popular as a pseudonym and I think it has been for a while.
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Oh! I guess I haven't been paying close attention. lol
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