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What do you think of Regan? How do you pronounce it? I personally only like it with the first syllable pronounced as REE and not as RAY. Do you think people would always pronounce it RAY-gen? I like the Shakespeare connection Regan has and even though she wasn't the best character it gives the name some more weight and history.Do you like Reagan? (this would be RAY-gen) or Reegan (instead of always correcting people on Regan?
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I pronounce it REE-GAN. I like the name.I like Reagan as well, possibly more than Regan. Dislike Reegan as a spelling vaiant
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Ronald Reagan (RAY) had a Secretary of Something who was Donald Regan (REE). Either way, and in spite (or because) of Shakespeare, I find it unlovely and unlovable. I've just had an idea, though: wasn't it round about the Reagan-Regan era that Megan started seriously charting and also acquired the silly MEEgan pronunciation. Maybe this was in part because Megan looks as if it should rhyme with Regan!
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I love Regan pronounced ray-gan and spelt Raaegan.
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Regan is an Irish surname in my family that moved on to being a nickname for my uncle, and we pronounce it as "REE-gan". I have no doubt that at one point the surname was pronounced RAY-gan but they must have gotten tired of correcting people. While I prefer Ray-gan, Ree-gan isn't bad, and most of us have moved on from The Exorcist (I only knew about the connotation when I asked about Regan in this forum a few years ago myself). Reegan isn't very nice looking though. I would suggest using Regan on its own.
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I like it, it intrigues me. I pronounce it REE-gan and find this the most attractive option. RAY-gan sounds like ray gun. However, others may pronounce it differently or get it confused with Reagan etc. like you mentioned. Spelling it Reegan would fix that, but this doesn't look as pleasing.
The associations aren't that great unfortunately and therefore I would not give this to a child, even as a middle name, and that makes me sad because I love the sound of it. It gives off the same vibe as Morgan - a spunky, mysterious, intelligent, pretty and strong female.
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I don't like Reagan because I associate it too closely with president Reagan.The pronunciation of Regan is a bit confusing (I'm tempted to pronounce it like Megan: REG-ən), but I still like the look of that more than Reegan.I don't love the sounds anyway, but if I did...I'd probably go for Rhiannon or Tegan instead.
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So ugly! Like, nasty ugly. Ree-g'n? Jeez. There's no air or play or anything in this name. There is just, like... ugly mud boots with no aesthetic, stepping in mud. I'm sorry I just cannot relate to liking this. Yeah, there's weight all right. The name is literally a weight. Plus Regan was a terrible character! Way worse than "not the best." I get boggled when people use this as a Shakespeare reference because she is, like, just a force of foul evil, not even a complex or interesting villain, with one of the least cool and least Shakespeare names available. Wouldn't the case be that anyone who actually got the reference would be left shaking their head? And of course, that crowd would be much smaller than the crowd of people who would think you were just mis-spelling and mis-pronouncing trickle-down Ronnie's surname. Yes, a hundred people would pronounce it Ray-gen for every ten who say it Reegan. Yes, spelling it Reegan totally destroys the ostensible shakespeare connection. How could this be what you or anyone wants in this world? Yet people do like this name, intelligent people at that, and post about it and consider it seriously. They must know something I don't. Like people who like beer, which I just drink socially and to express self-loathing. "What kind of beer do you like?" my beer friends ask. Literally no beer. Have you tasted it? It's disgusting. Just order for me. "Do you like hops?" What the hell? Go ahead, order a pint of Regan. I'll just stare at you in amazement.
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Thank you, I actually really enjoyed reading your answer. I like getting longer answers like yours because they help me understand how the name is viewed by others. Yes, I agree that it would get mispronounced a lot and that the character was awful. It also has a harsh sound, I can see that. But I still think it's nice in a way, strong and unusual, even though it is nothing I would use. It doesn't make my top ten, it's not even close to it. It is a name I find interesting. Thinking about it, it is very very different from my other favorites Rose, Lily, Luna, Fay, Eliana, Aurelia, Aurora, Annabel, Ileana, Ilinca - it doesn't seem to fit in.
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I don't like Reagan or Regan. Yes, they're easily confused. Reagan is one of the bland, pasty ex-president surnames that are trendy right now.
And Regan was not only an unadmirable character in Shakespeare, she was also the name of the devil-possessed girl in the Exorcist, one of the scariest movies out there. The girl who vomited green slime, twisted her head halfway around, and got violated with a crucifix, among other things. In all honesty, that Regan is probably more widely known among the general public than the Shakespeare character.
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Yes, she was. But the character in The Exorcist was actually a really sweet, nice, lovely girl. She was possessed. Her character wasn't bad, she had something bad happening to her. And yes, I understand what you mean. It is probably a bad association for many people. Definitely something to think about. I think it never bothered me because the character herself was lovely and not evil or anything. I always remember one of the first scenes in which she was excited she saw a horse in central park and she was just the cutest girl before all of that happened to her.

This message was edited 12/19/2016, 9:39 AM

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Yes! Thats how I think of Regan from The Exorcist too, before she was possessed. Regan wasn't evil, the demon was.

This message was edited 12/20/2016, 6:05 PM

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I'll probably be in the minority here, but I always prn. it RAY-gan, no matter what spelling.And I love Reagan for a girl!

This message was edited 12/19/2016, 9:18 AM

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Yes, I think most people would. I don't really care for Reagan because it is strongly associated with a single person which I generally don't like so much in names. But I guess many people would associate Regan with him too...
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