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Jade, Jessica, Jasmine
Which one, and why? Hmm. Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
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Jasmine! I love it. Attractive sound and I like the floral association.I find Jessica a really boring name although I like Jess for short. I dislike Jade. It's got a bit of a lower-class image where I'm from. It's also dated in the UK (very 1990s).
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I’ll go with Jasmine. Jessica is too boring and Jade always bugged me.
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JasmineJessica is really lovely, but was a bit overused in my generation where I am from. Jasmine is less used and I overall like floral names.I don't mind Jade, but like it better as an alternative one-syllable middle.
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Jasmine. It's elegant, but not stuffy. Youthful, but not childlike. Feminine but not frilly. And not too trendy either.
Jessica is too frequent and a little more passe. But it was a close race. Jessica is a good name too - better, if it weren't for the recent overuse.
Jade I can write off because although I like the sound and color of it, it reminds me too much of jaded. Sounds kinda rough tough.

This message was edited 6/27/2019, 10:38 AM

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Jasmine. I love flower names and have always thought this name to be pretty. Also ages well imo.
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Jade. I find it sweet and simple, yet not too common. I can't choose Jessica as it's my name. It's okay but I prefer Jessie as it's not so ridiculously common.As for Jasmine, I like it in theory but never actually like it when I hear it.
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JadeWith Jasmine in second and Jessica third. I've always liked the name Jade.

This message was edited 6/26/2019, 5:00 PM

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Hmm... I actually like all 3... conditionally.I like Jade for a middle name. For a first , it sounds sort of stripper-ish. I know, that’s stupid reasoning, but, whatever.I like Jessica, it’s my sister and best friends name. We call her Jess. I like Jasmine, but do not like the nickname Jazz, or Jazzy.So, I’d go with Jessica.
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Jade, I've fallen out of love with it recently but I still like the sound and spunkiness of it. I dislike Jasmine because it's girly and boring, but I love the nn Jazz. Jessica is so old-school 90's and I could never see the appeal of it, especially in this decade.
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They're all pretty but none are quite my style - Jade for some reason feels too "cool", Jessica is dated, and Jasmine is too common. I think without those associations, I would choose Jessica. With them, Jade, as a MN. (Jade as a boy's MN is a big GP for me, too.)
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Jessica for sound, Shakespearean association, and the warm, floral feel I get from it for whatever reason. Jasmine second. Dont’t care for Jade.
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Jade is out. I dislike jewel names in general, and this one sounds like Jane with a bad head cold. Plus, the first Jade I knew was a boy, of Greek descent, with a sister named Amber. This did not make a good impression on me, though he was a perfectly pleasant kid.
Jasmine is also out. Such a very fragrant, dainty, delicately lovely flower! Asking for trouble if its bearer should turn out to be plump, beige and boring; and Jazz is not a nn I'd want to go through life with. Probably better than Jasmine, though.
Hello Jessica! Still very lovely, in spite of its recent time in the spotlight, and more interesting than, say, Jennifer.
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Jade. It's similar to one of my favourite names, Jane, and has a nice association with the jade stone. Jessica and Jasmine sound 1970s to me.
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Hi Billina !!!Jade 4/10 its sound is metallic and cold to my ears. I much prefer Giada (JA-da).Jessica 3/10 so tacky, trashy and 1990s here in Italy. There are few but overused foreign names used in Italy. Jessica is one of these, unfortunately. Why among all the beautiful English (mainly) names Jessica has been chosen to be so common here? I don't have an answer but I dislike it.Jasmine* 9/10 I prefer Yasmin but it is anyway a beautiful, evocative and bright name.
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Jessica, it's Shakespearean, classic and works well for all ages.
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This is really hard since none of these are really my style.Jade - lovely stone and a fun, lively sound. However, I tend to dislike gem names since they sound paradoxically cheap, and jade can be used as a slang term.Jessica - I have known so many women named Jessica that it is hard to consider objectively. I feel like I should like the tie to Shakespeare, but I preferred Portia in "The Merchant of Venice" and never felt a connection to Jessica. The overwhelming late 80s early 90s vibe just makes it so dated.Jasmine - I love the sent of Jasmine and like that it also has multiple herbal/medicinal uses, but as a name, it is very flowery and frilly. It's use as a name is somewhat dated although not as much as Jessica. Regretfully, with the resurgence of Aladdin it also seems really Disneyfied at the moment.Jasmine would be my reluctant pick. If I didn't have jaded and vixenish associations, I would probably choose Jade.
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Jessica, definitely. I would use that in real life if I had a baby girl today.
Jasmine is very pretty too, though an awful lot of people seem to use it for their pets.
Jade, I find has a cheap vibe, though I don't find it as tacky as I did years ago. It's better in the middle name slot.
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Jade! It has really grown on me since I met my friend's three-year-old named Jade. It's beautiful. I am so so so tired of Jessica, almost to the point that I don't like it any longer. There's no way I'd name a kid Jessica now.I've always liked Jasmine but Jade has it beat. Jade seems cool and mysterious, Jasmine out-there and sweet. These days I prefer the former.
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Jessica - a classic
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