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Top US Climber 2021 (Girls)
I was looking through the top name list and found some of the names that have risen by at least 100 places quite an interesting mix. Wdyt? Also any information on what has caused such a rise on the names would be great (some are the obvious with the celebrity influence and others I have no idea where the influence is from)Oaklynn

This message was edited 7/24/2022, 7:08 PM

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Most of them are too nicknamey or just YIKES but a few thoughts ---Daphne - is definitely influenced by Bridgerton. It's one of those names I never thought I liked but the more I heard it on the show, the more charming it was to me
Wren - not for me but at least its a classic name not made up or too trendy. Gives me fond memories of Even Stevens show :-)
Lainey - WHY do this as a full name-should be a nickname not a full name
Stevie - love Stevie nicks but please no
Noa/Noah - because of Miley Cyrus' sister, I'm guessing? Much prefer on a boy but I get the appeal for a girl for those that like the "tomboy" "spunky" style girl names
Analia - all I see is "anal". YIKES
Anya - classic name, surprised it actually isn't more popular
Margo - Marlo, Margo, Arlo names are all on the rise and seem interrelated to me - lots of influencers children seem to be named these
Fallon - has always been a guilty pleasure name of mine, didn't really think about it in relation to Jimmy Fallon before like a few people have mentioned -- it was mentioned on Gilmore Girls once and I thought it sounded like a "cool girl" name at the time lol
Hadlee - hate the spelling but sweet name if it ends in -ley
Giana - not the same spelling but maybe because Kobe's daughter???? Pretty name but awkward reason for it to rise....
Ila/Iyla - I will never understand creative spellings. please people STOP. If you want to name her Isla name her Isla giving a different spelling doesn't make it different or you creative.
Flora/Opal - I don't like Opal or Flora but I dig some of the "grandma names" so I get what they are trying to do here in trying for something more off the beaten path than say Mable or Olive which has come back in full force
Alora - reminds me when I was learning Italian and this is kind of a filler word like "then" (its double L in italian but same sound) - so definitely not a name to me
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Love: Daphne, FloraLike: Wren, Wrenley, Analia, Anya, Opal, Della, Hadlee, Giana
Raya - I prefer Raia
Freyja - I prefer Freya
Salem, Noah, Azariah - I prefer these as masculine names, though I like Azaria as a feminine nameNeutral: Alora, Jenesis, Denver, Marceline, KianaDon't like: Lainey, Oaklynn, Stevie, Noa, Danna, Navy, Oaklee, Mylah, Journi, Margo, Murphy, Fallon, Halle, Halo, Promise, Aila, Jovie, Drew, Kamari, Ila, Iyla
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I like/love: Wren, Daphne, Anya, Opal, Margo, Flora, Della, Freyja (I much prefer Freya though, as Freyja will forever be misspelled), Promise (more for a mn), Jovie (prefer Jovi though).Wren, Daphne, Opal, Flora, Della and Jovie are my faves and names I would consider using myself.Ones that are ok: Raya, Mylah (the sound is ok, the spelling is pretty weird), Halle, Azariah (should be on the boy list for me, but I like the name), Giana.All the others are horrible.

This message was edited 7/26/2022, 4:15 PM

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Oaklynn (prefer it to Oaklyn, it's my GP lol), Wren, Lainey, Daphne, Navy, Opal, Flora, Freyja (prefer it to Freya), Murphy, Fallon, Halle (combined as Halle May), Jovie, and Marceline.I like Drew and Denver but I prefer them as a boy name. I'm neutral on Della and Raya, I don't care for the rest.
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My primary response to most of these is, "Yikes."I like Daphne. I'm growing more okay with Noa / Noah. Anya isn't bad. Opal, Flora, Della and Marceline read as very old to me, but they're okay. I've actually known some girls named Fallon, that were named well before Jimmy Fallon was anybody, but I can't say I like it. Also, you will probably not find a person under thirty who loves Murphy Brown as much as I do, but I would never name my child after that character.Lainey and Stevie are fine as nicknames.The rest? Absolutely not. Particularly egregious are Oaklynn, Journi, Salem, and Jenesis. Also, I know that Raya has been used in other contexts, but my primary association is with a dating app; I suppose I'm grateful Tinder hasn't broken the top 1000.

This message was edited 7/25/2022, 10:29 PM

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These I like:
FallonThese make me despair:
JovieThe rest are in between.
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I love Opal, Della, and Flora.I seriously do not understand Stevie, Murphy, Wrenley, Oaklynn, and Noah.
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Of this list I like Wren, Daphne, Anya, Freyja (the Nordic spelling is catching on!), and Promise (GP).Stevie is fun, but as a nickname for Stephanie.I cannot get on the Flora bandwagon, and have never understood the appeal of Fallon.
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I like Wren, Lainey, Raya (Raya and the Last Dragon, no doubt), & Anya the most. Oaklynn still baffles me to this day. (Along with it's counterpart, Oaklyn) It seemed like it sprang up out of nowhere and it's not even a decent one! Like someone wanted to encorporate the nature word "Oak" with lyn/lynn, or named after the place in California? Did some celebrity name their kid this? I don't follow celebrity baby names at all, so if there was, I wouldn't have known it. Oaklee same thing. Is it the nature theme of "Oak?" (Far better trees to choose from, in terms of names)
Stevie: Putting a masculine name, even a cutesy nickname, is far from well, cute. Murphy, Denver and Drew, same thing.
Noa: Because Noah is so popular for boys, this one has to ride the coat tales? What it very much seems like. Noah, even worse.
Halle: Why, when Hallie is right there, and is a much nicer spelling! Halle is Hall E. (like a labled hall)
Fallon: Jimmy Fallon probably. But sorry, it makes me think of falopian tubes, and of "FAll on"
Halo: Just as tacky as Angel is, and only seems to be inspired by someone obsessed with the video game franchise.
Promise: I have no words for this one.
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Danna seems random, unless there’s a pop culture reference I’m missing. Many of the other suck, but no huge surprises.
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Stevie makes me physically sick I hate it so much :( It sounds smelly.Iyla is so odd. Islay is really pretty.Kamari reminds me of calamari.Freyja is cool.Analia is...difficult.The others are okay.
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I love Wren. I hate Wrenley. Jenesis and Journi are just silly. I don't prefer Drew on a girl. I've been expecting Flora to rise and am glad to see it do so. I also like Raya, Anya, Daphne, Della, Marceline, Opal.Promise is interesting but I'm not sure completely how I feel about it
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Oaklynn- why did they try to mix up Ashlynn? It sounds so clunky and dog-like and I hate it.
Wren- I like it but it’s not my thing. It’s a bit too gothy for my liking but it’s not really any less normal than Raven.
Lainey- I’d prefer the spelling Laney. It’s alright. Not much really interesting about it.
Stevie- I like Stevie over Stephanie. This was my grandma’s name.
Daphne- I like the sound and story of it but I’ve been contemplating taking it off my PNL cuz scooby doo. It’s also kinda bimboey, but not too bad.
Noa- I’d prefer just using Noah on a girl honestly. It’s not really my thing since Noah was a guy in the Bible, but it can still work on a girl. It looks incomplete, and I don’t get how getting rid of the h makes it less masculine.
Danna- I don’t like Dana, and it’s even worse with 2 ns. It’s boring and dated, but not a bad choice.
Navy- absolutely not. It reminds me too much of the military and belly buttons.
Alora- means “so…” or “well…” in Italian, but it’s misspelled. I wouldn’t be able to unsee that.
Oaklee- even less human than Oaklynn.
Raya- my only association is the Disney movie so to me this is like naming your kid Moana just because of the movie. Could also be a cultural name though so idk.
Wrenley- Wren is fine but modernizing like this leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
Salem- ew. Gothy, but WAY too gothy. Makes me think of executions.
Mylah- I don’t really care for it. I already didn’t like Mila that much.

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This message was edited 7/25/2022, 8:08 AM

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Analia? Really? That is, or should be, astounding.
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I like Wren, Daphne, and Flora. I don't know who decided Analia was a good idea.
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I think usage of Analia might be primarily Hispanic. It doesn't look that bad to me, but then I already like Analucia.

This message was edited 7/26/2022, 7:58 PM

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Love: JovieLike: Daphne, Raya & AnyaNeutral: Lainey, Noa, Flora, Murphy, Giana, Marceline & Kiana
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