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Donna Jo Wdyt?
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Very Full House.This double name would have been dated even when Full House was airing, honestly. Even DJ's middle name, Margaret, would have felt more appropriate than Donna Jo.This name evokes a very mid-twentieth century setting to me, which means I can't see it in actual use on anyone under the age of 60.
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Donna Jo is alright. I would prefer if it was a nickname for Donna Josephine or Donna Joanne or Donna Jocelyne or something like that.
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cute. sounds a bit southern.
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I prefer Donna Lou. I went to church with a sweet little old lady named Donna Lou as a child. She was one of the Sunday school teachers. Lovely lady. Donna Jo feels a little harsh still, but Donna Lou feels softer and more feminine and fun.
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I think Donna is pretty, but I don't like Jo.
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Don't really like it
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I don't like Donna.
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It's not ugly and in fact is sort of cute in a very country, mid-20th century way.
I liked Full House when I was a kid, and even then DJ's full name didn't seem quite right with sissters Michelle and Stephanie. Jennifer or Heather or Amy would have seemed more likely.
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Choosing that for Full House did not make sense.
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It wasn't THAT weird in the 80s. I've only known 2 Donnas. One had siblings named Kristen, Ashley, and Andrew. The other had a brother named Shane. It would've been near the top 100 still when DJ was supposed to have been born in the 70s, though I never knew her name was Donna anyway.

This message was edited 6/20/2023, 7:08 PM

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I have an aunt named Donna, and almost all the Donnas I've known have been around her age. I know of one Donna whose maybe a year older than my husband, who was born in 1977. And there was a girl I graduated high school with named Jadonna.
Kristen and Ashley do not at all sound like Donna's sisters; they sound like Donna's daughters.
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Ok, but it was being used about as much when DJ would have been born as Savannah is being used now, and I think if a TV show used Savannah in 10 years for a 10 year old (maybe with a younger sister named Harper or Willow) it wouldn't seem that wacky to me.

This message was edited 6/21/2023, 10:58 AM

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Yeah just a little bit decidedly dated next to her siblings names imo. Like Pamela, Ashley and Kristen. Not bad but just a lil bit off kilter.

This message was edited 6/21/2023, 1:15 PM

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Sure - Pamela, Michelle, Donna, Amy, Jennifer, Stephanie, Kristen, Ashley - none of those strike me as unlikely to be 70s-80s names in the same family. Though Michelle, Pamela, Donna, Amy, Stephanie, Jennifer all sound potentially a generation older to me than Ashley, and Donna and Pamela sound most dated to me nowadays.

This message was edited 6/21/2023, 6:16 PM

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I knew a Donna born in 1983!
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