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Kit, Pip and Corey
I was watching two different tv programmes over the last week and female characters were called Kit, Pip and Corey.I love the idea of Kit and Pip as nicknames for twin girls but am not fond of most of the Chris names for girls despite liking Christopher for a boy. What would you name a girl to get the nickname Kit?It is never made clear if Corey is the girls full name or a nickname for Corinne or Corina. WDYT of Corey for a girl?
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Kit and Pip are fabulous nicknames. I like them both on boys and girls, but they sound more quaint on boys and more modern on girls. I would use Katherine to get Kit for a girl, or Katelyn I guess.Corey I would assume was Corrie if I heard it on a girl. I don't really like Corey regardless of gender.
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Don't like Corey for a girl, Corinne is okKit for Katherine
Pip for Philippa
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I like Kit, its nice and I like it.Pip is my lest favorite out of these, I dislike it but I dont hate it.I like Corey for a boy but for a girl its meh.
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Kit from Kitty from Katharine. Or Katrina! Pip from Philippa. And, surely, Cornelia could also give rise to Corey.I like Kit, though I prefer Kitty. I also prefer Pippa to Pip. Both Corinne and Corina have the stress firmly on the middle syllable, which makes me think that natural nicknames would probably be Reen or Reena rather than Corey. The first syllable of Cornelia doesn't carry the main stress, but it does seem more clearly articulated than the first syllables of Corinne and Corina.I also prefer Christopher to female Chris- names. Two of my great-grandmothers were named Christiana (and known as Chrissie), so I'd love to have had the chance to use it, but it would have been strictly as a mn.
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Kit and Pip go together well. They're very matchy but I think that's okay for nicknames, it's not as cheesy as matching full names. I've only met one girl called Kit and it was short for Katherine. So I'd go for Katherine & Philippa to get Kit & Pip.
If they were boys it could be Kristoffer & Philippe. Corey doesn't really go with the others. I've seen Kori as a girl name but not Corey. If it's short for Corinne or Corinna or something I think it should be Cori. This is one case where I think the "ey" makes it look like a boy and the girl version needs an "i", although it's a little dated as a concept. It's like how Toni and Andi looks like a girls and Tony and Andy look like boys.
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I grew up with a girl named Kori since birth so I knew it, at least by sound, as a girl's name first. I definitely think of Kori as feminine, but Cory or Corey as either the masculine spelling or okay as a nickname for a name with a C spelling. For Kit, I would use Katherine. I think Kirsten, Kaitlyn, Kismet, and Nikita could work as well.
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I would guess that Kit & Pip were short for Katherine/Katrina & Philippa, but it could also be something like Keturah & Piper. I would choose Katarina if I had to use Kit myself. Kit reminds me of the American Girl book series of the same name. The titular character's first name was actually Margaret. Corey is okay although I prefer Cora or Corinne for a girl.

This message was edited 7/18/2023, 1:12 PM

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Kit and Pip are just too cutesy. Kit is kind of borderline, and Pip is so annoyingly whimsical/tomboyish/spunk it makes me tired. As a sister set they're insufferable. If I really wanted Kit I'd have the full name be Kathleen.Corey is a boy's spelling to me. I like it, and I like the sound of the name for a girl, but would use the spelling Kori or Cori.
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Kit is bearable, but I don't like Pip, it sounds too childish and inane.I would use Katherine or Kristina, although I prefer both either on their own or using other nicknames, such as Rina or Kris, respectively. Kit has a nice ring to it, but it's not one of my favorites.I absolutely dislike Corey regardless on which gender, although it sounds too masculine to be bestowed on a girl. As a nickname, it's not my cup of tea. I prefer Corinna / Corinne as a full name.
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