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Blair or Laurel?
Blair/Blaire or Laurel?
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Laurel, of course. Blair is so very, very unpleasant.
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Just about anything rather than Blair(e). Laurel, then, though I vastly prefer Laura.
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Laurel.Blair is so masculine sounding to me…I don’t think it’d be an easy name for just anyone to pull off
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Laurel. I'm not a huge fan, but it's better than Blair / Blaire, which sounds unpleasant, especially in my non-rhotic accent.
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Blair all day :)
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(accidental duplicate post)

This message was edited 7/20/2023, 6:02 AM

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Laurel - Not a huge fan of Blair. Laurel rolls off the tongue nicely.
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Laurel.I kinda like Blair for a boy but not really for a girl.
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Blaire, Laurel is a bit too flowery/hippy for me
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Laurel hands down.
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