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Susan and Suzanne
Lately I've been liking Susan. Even Susie sounds cute to me. I don't like Sue, though.When will it come back into style?Do you prefer Susan "Susie" or Suzanne "Suzie"?Which one is more likely to come back?

This message was edited 10/3/2023, 11:28 AM

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Susan is really growing on me. I never thought I'd see the day! But it's just so.... competent and sharp, decisive. Makes me think of a Maureen O'Hara movie. Susan is now so outdated that it's become an interesting fossil. I like Suzy best, but Susie has a weird appeal as well, though it's a little limp. Makes me think of daisies. Suzanne is too familiar to me, still - I know a few 50/60something Suzannes so there's no mystique there, it's a hyper critical, passive aggressive nosy next door neighbor kind of name for me. I do like the "zanne" part, though. I could maybe see Susan having a tiny comeback. If people are getting interested in Florence, Eleanor, Vivian, Helen and Betty again, Susan belongs in that club for sure. I don't know if Susan would ever regain its full status as a top 5 name though. Suzanne stands more of a chance I think, it's got a bit more pizzazz, and it's more similar to the preferred Susannah.
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I don't think either are likely to come back soon. There's a trend towards Latinate version - so Susanna rather than Susan/Suzanne. I'm not terribly fond of either and I really dislike both Susie and Suzie - they just feel... sordid? No clue why. Even Sukie is preferable (though it is a homonym for "bitches" in my native language). But neither Susan nor Suzanne are bad. I like how sensible Susan sounds. I just finished reading Fingersmith, where it's the name of a naïve thief. Suzanne feels more 70s chic, like Simone and Michelle. I love the connection with the Leonard Cohen song. Suzanne has been *slowly* rising in France and Belgium again - perhaps the trend will continue?
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I prefer Suzanne, but I see it as a middle name only.Susie is too cutesy for me but I can see it have more of a chance for a comeback then Susan.
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I find Susan very plain and drab; when CS Lewis was writing the Narnia books, Susan was the name he chose for the Pevensy sister who was famously beautiful and becomes disloyal to Narnia because of focusing on her own gorgeous self! I prefer Suzanne, though I'd be more likely to use Susannah because it's a family name; only as a mn, though. Susie is OK; Sue isn't. And then there's the Leonard Cohen song ... yes, definitely Suzanne.
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I prefer Suzanne
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I honestly don't see either one coming back in style any time soon. *Maybe* Suzanna/Susannah/other 🤷🏻‍♀️,or just Suzie/Susie itself, but who knows. I like both Susan & Suzanne and even know of a lovely woman named Suzanne, so I have a rather positive association attached to it. 🙂 I think I might like Susan a bit more however. I don't care for Sue at all. Suzie/Susie are completely fine, and even adorable, but Sue on the other hand is so dull & plain. Unappealing as well.
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I think Susan could come back any day now. Suzanne seems less likely to have a resurgence.I quite like both names.
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There are six generations of Susans in my family so I'm a little basis. I like Suzie, but not Sue. Suzannah is my favorite, however, with the nickname Zanna/Zannah.
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I love Zanna!
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I like both names, but not Suzie/Suzie; my husband's sisters used Susie to refer to their private parts when they were little. lol I don't know if anyone else besides that family ever did that.Susan is quiet and steady and reliable. Suzanne is more elegant and worldly.
Sue is spunky and no-nonsense.I don't see either of them coming back anytime soon, even Susannah, which in sound and style ought to be pretty popular already, still hasn't cracked the top 1000.
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