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Does anyone like Xena? I admit that I am sincerely taken with the name. My other children include Rachel and Emma, and I am considering Xena as another option.
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I like Xena ok, but I really like Xenia and I think it's so much prettier.
I also agree that Xena really sticks out when put with Rachel and Emma, depending on your culture. If you're in the UK like me, Rachel and Emma are extremely common and Xena pretty damn rare. Xenia is rare too, but I would still prefer Rachel, Emma and Xenia to Rachel, Emma and Xena.
Other alternative suggestions would be Zena and Xanthe (which is a bit of a push). Zena is less cool looking than Xena but that makes it feel a bit more simple and on par with the other two names (Rachel, Emma and Zena makes sense to me). Xanthe has become a lot more popular than it once was and is almost trendy and I don't like it as much as Xenia, but that trendiness works in its favour here - Rachel, Emma and Xanthe makes sense as a sibset to me too.
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Xena just seems to stand out and be so different from the other names
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Xena is a fabulous name!
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I adore Xena, I think it's a really cool name on anyone. If you don't mind it standing out a bit more, I think it's a great choice.
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I agree with Chloë! I prefer Xenia.
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I like Xenia much better.
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That would be an incredible pick. It is a badass name. Although, I will say, that if *I* was born the sister of a Xena, and my name was Rachel or Emma, I would hate my parents forever for giving me a way less cool name. There would be some serious resentment. I'd definitely talk trash about them in therapy.
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I love the name Rachel :((( But yeah, Emma would make me just feel like another Emma C.
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I didn't mean to make it sound like Emma and Rachel are "bad" names! Just that they are so different from the flashy Xena. And I would have been the type of kid who takes that personally.
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Funny :)
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I love Xena and think that it would be such a wonderful choice! Go for it, I say!
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