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WDYT of Zahava? It’s a feminine Hebrew name meaning gold or gilded. I like it a lot.Don’t take criticism from someone you wouldn’t take advice from
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It's nice and unique!
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I like it a lot, the meaning is very pretty and I like the -va ending in names. the spelling Zahavah is slightly nicer-looking to me, though, as I prefer the symmetry of the two "h"s a little better. both spellings are good in my books, though.
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I think that Zahava is gorgeous!!A personal note: Every name with "hava" reminds me of the song "Hava Nagila;" very positive, in my mind.
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I like it. I didn't know it was Hebrew until I opened this but the "hava" part gave me Jewish vibes.
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Love it, as I love other Hebrew feminine names ending in "-ava" like Nava :)
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To me it sounds like a brand of artificial sweetener, but it’s not a terrible name.
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I don’t particularly like it. I don’t like the -hava part. Zahara or Zahana or Zahala are nicer sounds.
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I agree. Zahara is quite lovely.
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Don't really like it
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