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Teresa or Theresa?
Teresa seems more intuitive for pronunciation but Theresa feels more complete to me, so I'm having a hard time choosing.
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I can appreciate Teresa, but Theresa feels most complete to me, and I think the H makes it look prettier.
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Teresa. I only like the H in Therese, which is my favorite form.
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It definitely works in Therese.
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Teresa. My third all-time favorite girl's name, and spelled like that.
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What pronunciation issues are you referring to? I don't think one variant is more or less prone to mispronunciation than the other.I think I prefer Theresa because it's heartier.
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Teresa is less likely to get mispronounced but more likely to be misspelled. It looks less clunky, though. I prefer it a lot to Theresa.
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Theresa because it's what I'm used to seeing.
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I prefer Teresa, because the spelling is more simplistic and international!
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I think both versions are fine but I prefer Theresa with an "h". For me, it's not only spelling but I pronounce them different. Theresa is "tuh-REE-suh" whereas Teresa is "teh-REH-za".
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Teresa. The H feels unnecessary to me.
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