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Meaning of Laramie
I'm having trouble figuring out the meaning of the name 'Laramie'. It's not included in this website's list, and by searching through other name sites I've found two completely different meanings: "from the leafy grove", and "tears of love".
The name 'Laramie' is of French origin and can be either masculine or feminine.I'm just wondering, do any of you know which one is the actual meaning?Thank you!
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No, tears of Love. This leafy grove crap is only recently starting to show uo. I have been researching names, especially my own, for 20 years. Trust me, this leafy boughs and all that is BS
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The original form is La Ramée, quite literally, "the boughs". It's the name of a Cistercian nunnery, now in Belgium, and the secondary surname of a Quebecois family, one of whom the city of Laramie, the Laramie river and several other places in the US are named. "Tears of love" is a modern folk-etymology, blending larme "tears" with amie "friend, lover", to form a portmanteau L'Académie française would call for the guillotine over.

This message was edited 2/7/2019, 2:40 AM

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All i know is university of wyoming is in Laramie, wyoming.
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