Elimination CAF part 17 (1920s)
LN: Webster
DH: Charles Joseph "Charley"
DW: Mary Anna Hodges
DD/DD/DD: Marie Martha / Catherine Gloria "Cate" / Grace Rita
DS: Henry Arthur
Marie's family
LN: Maison
DH: Howard Francis
DW: Marie Martha Webster
DS: Lawrence Gerald
DS: Michael Peter
DD: Clara Jane
Cate's family
LN: Guide
DH: Ray Chester
DW: Catherine Gloria Webster "Cate"
DD: Katherine Marian
DS: Philip Martin
DS: Benjamin Allen
Grace's family
LN: Roberts
DH: Willard Oscar
DW: Grace Rita Webster
DS: Everett Stephen
DD: Vivian Kathleen
DD/DD: Marilyn Violet / Ella Lucy
Henry's family
LN: Webster
DH: Henry Arthur
DW: Genevieve Mae Bedford
DS/DD/DS: ???
Boy 1
First name: Glen, Hubert, Jerome, Jessie, Sidney, Wilbur
Middle name: Hugh, Jimmie, Luther, Max, Morris, Nicholas
First name: Christine, Georgia, Jennie, Lena, Marguerite, Sara
Middle name: Arlene, Caroline, Hilda, Loretta, Opal, Peggy
Boy 2
First name: Antonio, Bob, Bobby, Bruce, Rudolph, Wesley
Middle name: Alexander, Franklin, Horace, Patrick, Ramon, Tom
Reminder that the last person may nickname if they choose to do so.
Chelsea Nicole (66 days til my 21st birthday!)
Proud big sister to David Thomas (18) and Luke Joseph (14)
Go Cubs!
DH: Charles Joseph "Charley"
DW: Mary Anna Hodges
DD/DD/DD: Marie Martha / Catherine Gloria "Cate" / Grace Rita
DS: Henry Arthur
Marie's family
LN: Maison
DH: Howard Francis
DW: Marie Martha Webster
DS: Lawrence Gerald
DS: Michael Peter
DD: Clara Jane
Cate's family
LN: Guide
DH: Ray Chester
DW: Catherine Gloria Webster "Cate"
DD: Katherine Marian
DS: Philip Martin
DS: Benjamin Allen
Grace's family
LN: Roberts
DH: Willard Oscar
DW: Grace Rita Webster
DS: Everett Stephen
DD: Vivian Kathleen
DD/DD: Marilyn Violet / Ella Lucy
Henry's family
LN: Webster
DH: Henry Arthur
DW: Genevieve Mae Bedford
DS/DD/DS: ???
Boy 1
First name: Glen, Hubert, Jerome, Jessie, Sidney, Wilbur
Middle name: Hugh, Jimmie, Luther, Max, Morris, Nicholas
First name: Christine, Georgia, Jennie, Lena, Marguerite, Sara
Middle name: Arlene, Caroline, Hilda, Loretta, Opal, Peggy
Boy 2
First name: Antonio, Bob, Bobby, Bruce, Rudolph, Wesley
Middle name: Alexander, Franklin, Horace, Patrick, Ramon, Tom
Reminder that the last person may nickname if they choose to do so.
Chelsea Nicole (66 days til my 21st birthday!)
Proud big sister to David Thomas (18) and Luke Joseph (14)
Go Cubs!
Taking Hubert Nicholas, Georgia Arlene, and Bobby Alexander
Boy 1
First name: Glen, Jerome, Jessie, Sidney, Wilbur
Middle name: Hugh, Jimmie, Luther, Max, Morris
First name: Christine, Jennie, Lena, Marguerite, Sara
Middle name: Caroline, Hilda, Loretta, Opal, Peggy
Boy 2
First name: Antonio, Bob, Bruce, Rudolph, Wesley
Middle name: Franklin, Horace, Patrick, Ramon, Tom

Boy 1
First name: Glen, Jerome, Jessie, Sidney, Wilbur
Middle name: Hugh, Jimmie, Luther, Max, Morris
First name: Christine, Jennie, Lena, Marguerite, Sara
Middle name: Caroline, Hilda, Loretta, Opal, Peggy
Boy 2
First name: Antonio, Bob, Bruce, Rudolph, Wesley
Middle name: Franklin, Horace, Patrick, Ramon, Tom
Taking Sidney Jimmie, Sara Peggy, and Bob Horace
Boy 1
First name: Glen, Jerome, Jessie, Wilbur
Middle name: Hugh, Luther, Max, Morris
First name: Christine, Jennie, Lena, Marguerite
Middle name: Caroline, Hilda, Loretta, Opal
Boy 2
First name: Antonio, Bruce, Rudolph, Wesley
Middle name: Franklin, Patrick, Ramon, Tom
Boy 1
First name: Glen, Jerome, Jessie, Wilbur
Middle name: Hugh, Luther, Max, Morris
First name: Christine, Jennie, Lena, Marguerite
Middle name: Caroline, Hilda, Loretta, Opal
Boy 2
First name: Antonio, Bruce, Rudolph, Wesley
Middle name: Franklin, Patrick, Ramon, Tom