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Re: Game of Life
Hi! My name is Maire Kirsten Callaghan. Welcome to beautiful New Jersey! I’m glad you could come visit our wonderful home. Since you’re going to be staying for a few days, let me introduce you to my family.This is William “Bill” Jefferson. We met in Ireland 27 years ago while he was there on a business trip. He has been working for 3M since he graduated from college, and he’s spent the last 30 odd years travelling the world and selling 3M’s products. When we met, it was completely by chance, but then Bill made sure he came to visit me on each subsequent trip. We eventually fell in love, and have been happily married for 25 years.When we married, I knew Bill’s job was important, so I sacrificed everything I knew and loved in Ireland to move to America with him. Thankfully, the house he had, this house, was in a slightly more rural area, so it wasn’t too hard of a change. Ireland is mainly countryside, and it would have killed me to have to move to a big city with no part of the natural world around me.Anyway, we had our first child, a baby girl, two years later. Elisa Natalie is now 23, and she’s just as unique as her name. She was born with a full head of white blonde hair that steadily darkened to a dishwater blonde over the years. Now, however, her hair is a bright, electric blue. It stands out quite sharply in contrast to her almost colourless grey eyes, but who am I to say what she should do with her hair? Yes, I am her mother, so maybe I should say something, but I don’t. It’s time she started figuring things out on her own, and every decision she makes is just another learning experience.When Elisa was in high school, she loved History. She especially loved learning about women who stood up for their rights, and did crazy things to get people to notice them. I’m willing to bet it was their hard-headedness and stubbornness that inspired her to do some of the things she does today. When she graduated, Bill and I were expecting her to go into some sort of art related field where she could expand her creativity. She surprised us all, though, by going into medical school. It’s been a long, hard road, but pretty soon, she’ll be the family doctor!Our second child was a boy. Braiden Joshua was your average overly energetic, happy kid, his hazel eyes always showing excitement for something. Strangely enough, he showed a passion for Family and Consumer Sciences classes over gym in school. We could never really understand why, and he could never really explain it. I suppose he got all his energy out through the endless soccer, Nordic skiing, and baseball practices, though. Now, if we thought Elisa could surprise us with her job choice, Braiden took it a step further. His dream is to be a singer, and he’s already practicing for the auditions of the next season of American Idol. Just when we thought it couldn’t get any stranger, he came to us on his 21st birthday last month with a complete makeover. Apparently he had gone to Elisa for advice on how to look ‘hip’, so he’s now sporting a completely new wardrobe and deep green hair.All strangeness aside, 18 year-old Alayna Heather is who we joke to be our ‘normal’ child. She’s had long, dark brown hair and green eyes for as long as anybody can remember, and she assures us that she isn’t in any hurry to change that. She just graduated from high school this year with a pronounced interest in almost every area of study, but one thing has hung on through all the years: her love of reading. That was her favorite class in elementary school, and she still spends most of her free time with her nose buried in either a book, a magazine, or a newspaper. All of that reading has definitely paid off, though, as she plans to become a lawyer in college.Nearly two years after having Alayna, the twins were born. Carey Jonathan and Kelly Thom are the life of the party and the life of the family. The pair is always pulling some sort of prank, and they love to have a good laugh. They’ve got that innocent look about them with their tousled light brown hair and blue eyes, and they know it. They use that to their full advantage as much as they can, and that alone has helped them get out of a lot more trouble than they should have been able to. Carey and Kelly have yet to surprise us about anything. They love gym class, and they’re big into skateboarding after school. You could figure that out just from the way they dress and what you find in their backpacks on a daily basis. Carey wants to move to L.A. after graduation to become an actor, which we all know he’d be a little too good at. Kelly is planning on becoming a firefighter, which he has wanted to do since he was three.Thirteen-year-old Eva Olivia is our second youngest child. She looks a lot like Alayna, with a few small exceptions. Her hair is slightly darker than Alayna’s, bordering more on black than brown. Her eyes are also so dark, they could be considered black. The bottomless pits in her eyes tend to scare some people off, but Eva is pretty harmless. She’s always looking for some new adventure, and she’s the happiest when she can go roaming around an unfamiliar place on her own. She’s been taking French classes for two years now, and she absolutely loves them. She’s planning on travelling to France when she’s older, and we’re greatly encouraging that. France would be the ultimate adventure for her, and we know she’d love it. The only thing that has really surprised us about Eva is that she’s currently planning on following in Kelly’s footsteps and becoming a firefighter.Last, but not least, is our blonde-haired, blue-eyed Zander Riley. The ten-year-old rascal is always following his siblings around, looking for something to do. He especially loves to follow Eva on her adventures when she allows him to tag along. His current favorite subject is gym, but his passions change faster than the season. I can almost guarantee that next week, gym class and lifting weights will be out, and French and hiking will be in. Now, like I said, his passions tend to change fast, but at the moment, he wants to be a teacher when he grows up.So, welcome to our large, chaotic family, and I hope you enjoy your stay here in New Jersey!
______________________________________________________________________DW: Maire Kirsten Callaghan (48)
DH: William “Bill” Jefferson Callaghan (50)DD: Elisa Natalie (23)
DS: Braiden Joshua (21)
DD: Alayna Heather (18)
DS/DS: Carey Jonathan/Kelly Thom (16)
DD: Eva Olivia (13)
DS: Zander Riley (10)
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