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Re: Violetta's Game of Life - Round 9
I've included the ones missed, which would be 7 and 8.Round 9:DG-Ma: Ophelia Margaret Bride (60)DH: Andrew Nikolai James (36, Brown Hair, Blue Eyes, University Proffessor: 90,000)
DW: Larissa May Campbell (34, Blonde Hair, Brown Eyes, Stay-At-Home-Mom)DD: Juliet Christine (11, Blue Eyes, Blonde Hair)
DS/DS: Noah Campbell / Luca Andrew (8, blue eyes, brown hair)
DS: Miles Henry (5, brown eyes, brown hair)
DD: Rose Ophelia (2, Blonde Hair, Blue Eyes)
DD: Sofie Lark (0, Blonde Hair, Blue Eyes)Andrew and I are so happy to announce that Sofie Lark, baby number six, arrived by surprise on June 30. weighing 5 pounds, 13 oz. She was a month premature, and is extremelly tiny, but we all love her so much! She's another good eater, and sleeps very well, which definetly surprised us. Never before having a premature infant before, we were worried about her getting enough food and rest, and for goodness sakes, she was so tiny that the kids were afraid of breaking her! Grandma was a lot of help- even though none of us knew it, two out of four of her children were premature, including Andrew! She really is good-natured, and everyone is very happy to have her finally home.Recently, Rose got extremelly sick. At first, we weren't the least bit worried, all she had was a simple case of stomach flu. Then, we came into the living room to check on her while she was watching the Wiggles, we found she had passed out. We called 911, and they took her to the hospital. We were worried sick, I was bawling my eyes out for my baby, and then they told us the cause. Our Rosie's fever had risen from 99.1 to 104.1- Not a healthy tempurature for a two-year-old girl at all.They kept her at the hospital for a few days, but Andrew, I, Ophelia, and the kids were all relieved to be updated with the information that Rose's fever was going way down, and would be perfectly fine. She is, thank God.Juliet is eleven now, and darn it, my baby girl grew up so fast. Now she's in 6th grade, Middle School, and is involved in basketball and soccer. She makes great choices and is becoming a lovely young woman, but I still like babying her, and coming to all of her games! When I can't go, Ophelia does, and Juliet likes that. Juliet and Connor are still good friends, but she's been finding a few nice girl aquantinces also, a 12 year old named Ruby, who is a horse fanatic, and Genevieve, a member of her class, who she takes art classes with.Luca and Noah are 8, and well. They are very different still, Luca the daredevil and Noah the sweetie, but they still like playing together and helping each other. We really couldn't have asked for better twins- They have a special bond, but everyone knows them for who they are, with their separate identitied. Luca wants to become a Dirt Bike Driver, while Noah says he'll be a teacher. Whatever they choose, they'll do great at! Luca has recently started lacrosse on a eight to ten team, he loves it.Miles is great, a solid boy, but polite and happy. He's five and loving kinderarten! He's definetly a Daddy-s boy, he and Andrew are out playing baseball almost all the time. Although he's often with Daddy, bulding or pitching, he also likes to help me cook.Rose is a fabulous little princess. (Or so she says). She has a little girlie personality, and loves dress up and make believe. She also is very bright, we already have her counting to ten, and she likes thumbing through books, looking at the pictures. She is very outgoing, and thinks that our house is her castle. Thank goodness for Grandma Ophelia, who knows how to discipline her just right. "What can I say... I raised Ella, Jane, and Nora, they were all just the same as Rosie here!"Kitty, the beloved pug, passed away a few days ago. All the kids had a hard time, but Miles was just devistated. He loved that dog like one of his siblings. We all do know that it was no ones fault, Kitty passed away due to old age... 17. Hopefully a new pet will come live with us soon!ROUND 8:
DG-Ma: Ophelia Margaret Bride (58, Grey Hair, Blue Eyes)DH: Andrew Nikolai James (35, Brown Hair, Blue Eyes, University Proffessor: 90,000)
DW: Larissa May Campbell (32, Blonde Hair, Brown Eyes, Stay-At-Home-Mom)DD: Juliet Christine (9, Blue Eyes, Blonde Hair)
DS/DS: Noah Campbell / Luca Andrew (6, blue eyes, brown hair)
DS: Miles Henry (3, brown eyes, brown hair)
DD: Rose Ophelia (0, Blonde Hair, Blue Eyes)Yesterday, August 23, baby number five, Rose Ophelia was born to Andrew and I! She was born (strangley) exactly on her due date, and since Aubust 23 is her Birthday, we used the name Rose- a name we not only thought was beautiful, but is the name of her exact birthday in France. Ophelia is to honor her G-ma!
She's beautiful and eats well... The only complaint is how often she cries. Ah well, we love her from the last hair on her head, down to her pinky toe anyway!Grandma came to live with us recently. She's wonderful, and very helpful with all the kids, including Rose. She was so happy and honored to have the baby named after her! Ophelia is great with the kids, they love her, she's one of those wild grandparents- they're old, but still act like children. The only adjustment she had to make was that we wouldn't let her spank the children, as she did with hers. She didn't agree, but respected the choice.Juliet is doing great! A big fourth-grader now, she loves school, especially science and P.E. She has fallen head over heels in love with her new sister! She of course adores her brothers, but it was extra special to finally not be the 'only girl'. She is just about always holding Rose.Luca and Noah are good as well! They had a fight a while ago, and wouldn't speak for a few days, but couldn't keep it up for long. They love each other so much...Miles is a joy to have, and also a funny bunny! He's goofy and likes to tell his strange three-year-old jokes- the ones you pretend to get, and laugh, even though they didn't make sense. He's clever with words! He also has a bizzare habit when it comes to metting people. A little embarrasing, but nothing bad. When someone he doesn't know says hello, he salutes them, and says "Good Morning Fried Fish!" I'm sure he'll grow out of it. The whole family finds it rather amusing, actually.ROUND 7:Miles Henry James arrives home to our family on May 25, weighing 8 pounds, four ounces. He has brown hair and brown eyes, and loves to make funny noises and smiles often. Everyone loves the new addition!The children are wonderful. Juliet is great, happy as can be. Her only problem at the moment is that she has had a bully problem at school. Some girls were teasing her, and she was angry. She told them to stop a few times, and them punched one. We punished her for this, but let her know that it was alright to be angry. She apologised to the girl, and was sorry. We enrolled her in Karate, actually- and ironically enough, she adores it!The twins are great also. Noah likes to paint a lot lately, and Luca is fascinated with trucks and cars.
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