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new moodboard CAF 2#
-Choose a single moodboard
-You can either shorten longer names or expand shorter names but you can not change spellings (for example you can extend the name Eliza to Elizabeth but you can not change it to Elisa) (part 1)Tips:
*If you can't decide the sex of the child you can flip a coin:
*copy the names of the moodboards or their numbers and copy them to the find tool on Google1) cold breeze (81)
2) a vampire's heart (78)
3) Dark classical music (77)
4) star-taker (83)
5) snow white (84)
6) Ancient secret (85)
1) cold breeze (81)
The parents welcome their first child (male):
2) a vampire's heart (78)
The parents welcome their first child (female):
Leda Alta Cordula Laurice Bellamira Cordia Clemence Delara Adeline Dinorah Laurel Celica Amabilia Ellice
3) Dark classical music (77)
The parents welcome their first child (your choice)
(all names are listed as unisex on this website) Rene Hildred Elisée Francis Witte Winifried Amance Florence Tovia Rowen Silence Edel Ardis Ora Rosario Cléanthe Erdene Modeste Blessing Salem Narcisse Camille Avia
4) star-taker (83)
The parents welcome their first child (your choice):
5) snow white (84)
The parents welcome their first child (female):
6) Ancient secret (85)
The parents welcome their first child (your choice): *******
rate my PLN:

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This message was edited 1/31/2025, 2:20 AM

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DW: Cecily Aveline Domina Firethorne
DH: Honor Judea Domina
DD: Lauri Clemence Domina
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DH: Ezra Jude Alden
DW: Marien Ellice (Irwin) AldenDD: Camille Florence Alden
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DH: Anselm Theobald Knekt
DH: Ivo Amos IsbergDD: Nova Arista Knekt
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LN: ScarlettDP1: Constance Helewise Scarlett
DP2: Otho Isebrand ScarlettDS: Cosmo Astrophel Scarlett
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Sapphira Isabeau Quill
Amaury Thaddeus ValeVesper Alcyone
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DW: Greta Franziska Renate Mentzeroux, née Mentzer
DW: Ivette Auréline Mentzeroux, née RouxADS: Sirius Tariq Mentzeroux
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DW: Lady Cecily Alifair Ingrith Devereux
DH: Sir Vivien Lanselm Ethetlbert Middleton
DCH1: Emrys Launcelot Middleton-Devereux
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DH-Tariq Altair Sterling
DW-Kalyani Dara Kartik
DD-Nova Setareh Sterling
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DH: Hugo Bastien LeBlanc
DH: Theobald Anselm KnechtDD: Ellice Delara Knecht-LeBlanc
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DW: Princess Sigga Mathilda Dampierre
DH: Sir Solomon Vives CourtenayDD: Duchess Martha Irina Courtenay Dampierre
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Could you please include the links to previous rounds in the future? Thanks so much! The mood boards are gorgeous.W: Clarissa Helewise Constance Betancourt
H: Otho Isebrand TalsmaD: Eulalia Sibyl Talsma

This message was edited 1/17/2025, 1:18 PM

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I did, and thank you again
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DW: Clara Hildegard Bochmann
DW: Emery Olive DaltonDC: Rowen Camille Bochmann-Dalton
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DW: Clarissa Rosamund (Brandt) Knightley
DH: Everard Vives KnightleyDD: Iris Phaedra Knightley
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DW: Rosamund Constance (King) Ritter
DH: Anselm Godfrey Ritter DD: Florence Camille Ritter
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W: Herta Franziska König
H: Sigmund Octavius RichterD: Leda Cordula Richter
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DW: Franziska "Frankie" Ilsegard Marquardt-Deschamps [pansexual cis woman; she/her]
DSp: Vivien "Ven" Constantine Marquardt-Deschamps [bisexual nonbinary; they/xe]DD: Bellamira "Mimi" Clemence Marquardt-Deschamps
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