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[Facts] Oh my non-existant deities!
(Being an atheist with almost entirely Jewish friends can get odd at times. Hence the strange subject - no offense intended to those who worship existant deities)This is the first time on this board I've seen someone apologize to the locals after a fight. O_O Everything so far that I've witnessed has ended in them posting about Nanaea's/Andrea's/whoever's evil nature and making snide remarks about their mental health.*sees a pig fly by*I've seen clashes like these before - well, who hasn't? Usually, in my limited experience, it's when people who are comfortable enough with each other to joke around a lot come into contact with people who don't realize they are joking. My friends and I hardly ever say things without irony, sarcasm, or just plain silliness - thus anyone overhearing our conversations is either offended, terrified, or amused. It can get like that on message boards, including here.It's nice that you both apologized. I made the same mistake about Satanism, I think - fortunately, not to a Satanist's face. ^_^ Went to research it, read several websites about Satanism, got even more confused than before. But I think I'm starting to get it now.Nanaea, if you're reading this far down, can you help me?
1) Do some Satanists worship a Satan (not the Christian Devil, but a Satan)? Any Satanists? Previous Satanists, as opposed to modern Satanists?
2) Is the philosophy of Satanism body over mind?That's all I've been able to tentatively gather.All right - thus end Lilith's random schpiel for the day.-LilithP. S. The annoying thing is, I wrote this nice, long, pseudo-intelligent post, and of course no one will read it 'cos it's so far down. >:^(
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"1) Do some Satanists worship a Satan (not the Christian Devil, but a Satan)? Any Satanists? Previous Satanists, as opposed to modern Satanists?"Some do. Most don’t. Those which do, call themselves “Traditional Satanists.” (Satanists call them something else.)The majority which don’t, are the “Modern Satanists” – or just plain “Satanists”. Satanists don’t worship any living deity. Rather Satanists *emulate* the archetype which is called “Satan”. In literature, Satan himself refused to bow down in worship to any deity or authority figure, therefore it’s silly for anyone calling him- or herself a Satanist to do what Satan himself wouldn’t do.From the FAQ at the Satanism 101 website: "Satanism and devil worship are two distinctly different animals. Devil worship is what it is: the worship of an external deity, much as it could be labeled inverse Christianity. The Satan in Satanism is an archetype, one many know by name and is relative to the culture. Some Satanists choose different aspects of this archetype, depending on geography or just plain aesthetics, but the same characteristics still hold true. It would make little sense for us to claim to embody the archetypal qualities of Satan (rebellion, rational self-interest, carnality, etc.) on one hand, and then attempt to worship an anthropomorphic Satan on the other. In laymen's terms, it's hardly rebellious to worship a figure that represents rebellion. Devil worshipers need to be subjugated, ask for it by their own actions. The Satanist finds such unproductive and one-sided activities to be draining and useless (not to mention hypocritical).""2) Is the philosophy of Satanism body over mind?"I’m not sure I understand this question. Satanism is a belief-system which celebrates physical indulgence, as well as rational thought, creativity, and individualism.I dunno if that's cleared up anything for you, but I appreciate the "nice, long, pseudo-intellectual post". :)And hey! It wasn't so far down the page that I didn't notice it. :)-- Nanaea
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Yay!Thanks :) That certainly cleared some things up. Physical indulgence...hehe. Sounds like my religion, Lazy Taoism (rather, my religion after I've had a schmidgen too much caffeine).I asked the second question 'cos a friend of mine had recently supplied me with some information on Wicca for a project, and said info included a paragraph stating that Wiccans believe in mind over body and Satanists believe in body over mind. Dunno.Thanks again for the info - maybe now I can convince my history class I'm not crazy for insisting that Satanism is a religion like anything else and deserves respect. Well, maybe not. They already decided I was nuts after a friend and I began to complain because the romance archetype discriminates against evil people. Still.-Lilith
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"I asked the second question 'cos a friend of mine had recently supplied me with some information on Wicca for a project, and said info included a paragraph stating that Wiccans believe in mind over body and Satanists believe in body over mind. Dunno."****** Now, that amuses me. :) Does this Wiccan religious tract go further to explain what it means by that? Let's just say that Satanists believe in "body" over delusion. ;)"Thanks again for the info - maybe now I can convince my history class I'm not crazy for insisting that Satanism is a religion like anything else and deserves respect."****** Tell your history class that the United States Army is convinced that Satanism is a religion, and the U.S. Army Chaplains Manual includes information for their chaplains on Satanism.-- Nanaea
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Cool posts Lilith :)
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Thanks ^_^****** Does this Wiccan religious tract go further to explain what it means by that?I don't think so.****** Tell your history class that the United States Army is convinced that Satanism is a religion, and the U.S. Army Chaplains Manual includes information for their chaplains on Satanism.Oh, that's great! I shall indeed.I read somewhere that Dubya has said he doesn't consider Wicca a religion. IF this is true, I can just imagine his views on Satanism.
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"I read somewhere that Dubya has said he doesn't consider Wicca a religion."****** That's okay. A lot of people don't consider Dubya to be a statesman."IF this is true, I can just imagine his views on Satanism."****** "To this very day, I refuse to buy anything from Proctor & Gamble!"-- Nanaea
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LOL. Dubya amuses me. When he doesn't scare me.(Liberal power!)
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