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[Facts] Re: Meaning of the Latin name Carsilius.
in reply to a message by Lu
I can't find any reference to Carsilius being a classical Roman name, not that that will be much help to you.
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All I could find was that it was the name of a Dutch knight, and....that it's an very old name, probably only used as a first name in the Middle Ages. I think it might be a translation of some first name into Latin, maybe. I'm determined to find the meaning of Carsilius anyway: it's been used as a first name, and every first name has its meaning. So, it's out there, and... I'll keep looking. :)Thanks for your efforts, btw!Regards,Lu
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Just curious, what time period did this Latin-named ancestor of yours live, and in what country or ethnic community?I ask only because in many cultures (UK, etc.), it's difficult to trace non-titled/peasant ancestors back very far. I felt gratified when we were able to trace my humble Scottish ancestors (rural fishermen) back to the 1780s and the French side (urban mercbants and craftspeople) back to the early 1600's.Of course, some societies' record-keeping was better than others -- amazing in light of the very thorough destruction places like France and Germany have experienced in this and earlier centuries).Please share your ancestor's context with us - I'm sure it'll be interesting.- Da.
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My ancestor, Carsilius Aegidius Paulis, was born around 1450 in the German village Waldfeucht and he died around 1500 in the same village. He married Catharina von Zevell, who died around 1490. Carsilius was presumably one of the illegitimate sons of Earl Heinrich III von Geldern. Heinrich von Geldern was firstly the Bishop of Lüttich, but because of his lifestyle, the Pope 'fired' him and then he became an Earl.That's all I know about Carsilius. I don't know what his profession has been, for example, but I think he probably must've been an agriculturer, although I'm not sure of it.Regards,Lu
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I was right - that IS interesting. Thanks!
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