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[Facts] Re: Fairy
"Try Fay for yourself, dear, and leave Fairy for the gentlemen."That sounds like an insult to homosexual men. Whatever your personal views on homosexuality, perhaps you could respect the lifestyles of others and phrase your answers in a less derogatory fashion in the future.
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Oh goodie! Another one takes the bait ...
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I stand by my post. Whether or not she is seriously considering using Fairy as a name has nothing to do with the fact that you came across as a bigot. I don't care if you were sarcastic - Eminem uses the same guise, and I don't buy that, either. Sarcasm isn't always funny, especially when it is insensitively directed toward those who belong to a community that has been discriminated against for the whole of human history.If you wrote that just to get a rise out of people, then perhaps you should find a more constructive hobby - something that can't be construed as offensive.
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Aw, chill out dear. To much PCness is detrimental to your sense of humor. I'm sure Anneza doesnt spend her weekends bashing gays in downtown Soweto. The gay community has to tackle with much more serious problems and threats than Anneza's charming wit.PS: "Brook = K.O. Boer!" (The Anagram Oracle)
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