[Facts] Re: Lobke?
in reply to a message by Nella
Lobke is Dutch, it's a feminine pet form of Lubbe, which is a short form of names containing the element Liaf "dear / beloved" (ex: Lieven) or the element Liud "people" (ex: Ludger, Ludolf).
I have an obscure family member with this name, it's her full name, in the Netherlands it's very often that chidlren are given pet / short forms as full names. So it doesn't mean that just because Lobke is a pet form, the girl has another full name.
Anyway some possibilites for a full name are: Lobrichje, Lubrichje, Lubarta, Lubina (but these are all much rarer than just "Lobke", which is already unusual in itself).

I have an obscure family member with this name, it's her full name, in the Netherlands it's very often that chidlren are given pet / short forms as full names. So it doesn't mean that just because Lobke is a pet form, the girl has another full name.
Anyway some possibilites for a full name are: Lobrichje, Lubrichje, Lubarta, Lubina (but these are all much rarer than just "Lobke", which is already unusual in itself).

I had that class again today and found out that Lobke came to Australia from the Netherlands as a small child.
I have Dutch relatives so I know that Dutch people often have nickname forms as their full name :) I was just curious about the originating name as I couldn't match it to any name I could think of!
Thanks again :)
I had that class again today and found out that Lobke came to Australia from the Netherlands as a small child.
I have Dutch relatives so I know that Dutch people often have nickname forms as their full name :) I was just curious about the originating name as I couldn't match it to any name I could think of!
Thanks again :)
seems like a lot of names ending on -ke are dutch pet forms (wiebke, nienke ...), didn't really know that