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[Opinions] You and I clearly have a broader sense of what are "legitimate" names than others might
Obviously you and I feel, if I may say, that legitimacy is largely conferred by the namer, regardless of others' opinions, though I know I don't, and I presume you don't, choose names that others consider "illegitimate" just to piss them off. ;pI don't intend to speak for anyone else, including you, when I say that, to me, Dakota and Cheyenne are as legitimate as Saxon (tribe name) and Paris (place name). Nor do I intend to start an argument (though I don't see why it's such a big deal that it could start one).
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oh I agree good points :)
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Yes, the names Sakota and Cheyenne are as legitimate as Saxon or Paris but what I think some people might want to convey is whether they should be used as names or not based on the offense it may/may not create for people.
I think it is good that you mentioned other names besides tribal names though.
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