Brandon Thomas PetterLinnea Älva
GeorgianaElsa Hanna Katherine- Quite ok, though
Petter reminds me of pepper and I'm not a fan of Hannah-names.
Tobias Jørgen
SanderLinnea Hanna GeorgianaElsa Madelen
Katherine- Worse than the sibset above, Jørgen looks unpleasant and it is related to
Georgiana. I also dislike Madelen.
Tobias Jørgen
PetterLinnea Ingeborg GeorgianaElsa Älva
Elsa and Älva too similar in one combo. The Linnea-combo is gorgeous!
Tobias Jørgen
SanderLinnea Klara GeorgianaElsa Jonna Katherine- I hate
So, my favourite sibsets are n. 1 and 3.
If I could create my favourite sibset out of these combos, it would be
Brandon Thomas PetterLinnea Ingeborg Georgiana and
Elsa Hanna Katherine