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[Games] Thank you!
Kaori and Remy have:
Sarah, Izzy, Patton, Etsuko, Harry, Daxton, and SimonIzzy's legal name is now Izumi Julienne Matilda. We replaced her old name with new names, same initials, and she can still go by Izzy. She likes having a Japanese name. Patton wanted one too, so her new name is Patton Grace Hikari. Sometimes, she'll go by Kari, but normally she is just Patton.Simon and Harry were both given Japanese names as well. They are now Simon August Kazuki and Henry David Kaito "Harry". Harry still wets the bed, but it's happening less frequently. Etsuko was given an "American" name, her legal name is now Etsuko Maren. The family calls her Suki. She is learning English very quickly, since she is surrounded by it. She and her grandmother "visit" via Webcam, but it's difficult due to the time differences. The family will go to Japan this summer, and Suki will get to visit her in person.We offered Sarah a Japanese name, but she said she didn't want another name. So she is just Sarah Charlotte. She's coming out of her shell a bit more, now that she isn't surrounded by violence, but is still quiet. She has made a few friends, and even has her eye on a girl at school. We'll see how that goes. ;]Thank you for these children!

This message was edited 3/20/2009, 5:31 PM

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