I was long a stickler for the
Eleanor spelling but have lately come around to finding
Elinor quite lovely. Playing with pairings, I found that some names felt "right" with both spellings while others seemed "right" with one or the other. So, I now use whichever suits the feel of the name for me.
Summer, if I truly loved
Summer Rose or
Summer Rain infinitely more than any other names, I would not let others dissuade me from using them. It's true that most folks won't know the child's middle name and I've always felt that's the best way to incorporate something very uncommon/unexpected/"kitchy". That said, it sounds as though imagery and feeling are really what you are after and I would explore looking for something, even a word-name, that gives a more abstract or poetic sense of your desired image. For example, do you see a red rose symbolizing love? If so, something like
Summer Carys or
Summer Valentine might give you same feeling or image without the "kitchy" effect. Just an idea to play with. :)
Summer Tahlia might be an option you'd like.
Tahlia means "dew from God" and there are variant spellings.
This message was edited 6/8/2012, 1:10 PM