[Opinions] Re: Some unusual names in Belgian primary school (long list)

Sabeth: I like this. It's a bit "witchy" (in a good way). It reminds me of Salem, Sabrina, Sable, and Sabela.
Benoni: Huh. I don't dislike it. I think it could grow on me. It's interesting, sounds cute and a little "foreign" although I'm not sure what language I think it sounds like.
Alani: I like it. It's pretty and fits many ages. It's also not very common (where I live) but still easy to spell.
Esperanza: Really like this one. I've been a fan of this name ever since I first saw it. It's so fun to say! And it's also fairly versatile IMO.
Zino: Sounds sort of cool. It's sort of nicknamey sounding, and also "zippy" and "cool".
Iboyka: Interesting. I'd like to see this on someone.
Dante: I've met a few people named this. I like it in general.
Virgil: Cool, although I prefer it as a nickname.
Felten: Hmm. I like the sound, but I'm still not sure. It looks like an adjective meaning "made of felt".
Humphrey: Nope nope nope. Old, ugly, and nope.
Héloïse: Pretty.
Cypriaan: I like it, but prefer just Cyprian.
Livia: Alright. It's pretty. I like it as a nickname or a full name.
Theodor: Good. It's a nice name.
Klara: Okay. I prefer the look of Clara though.
Atalia: Alright. I should like it, but I mostly find it neutral.
Indra: Very pretty and mysterious. I like it.
Laïs: Okay. I think I like it.
Léontine: Pretty. I like it.
Jerko: Nah. Sounds bad in English...
Indiana: Boy or girl? Either way it's pretty cool, especially with Indy.
Wolf: I like it. It can be OTT in some situations though.
Jupiter: Haha. Prefer it on a dog.
Phil: Meh. Boring and dated.
Tanisha: I like it. I know a few girls with this name.
Annette: I've grown to like this name.
Salie: Sage like a wise man or sage like the plant? Either way it's okay. I don't like it because it reminds me too much of "Sally" and "saline".
Kay: Girl or boy? On a girl it's meh and dated. On a boy it's cool but I prefer Kai.
Eben: I like it. It's versatile.
Feline: Can't stop seeing the word "feline". Otherwise I'd like it though (assuming it's meant to be pronounced fe-LEEN).
Parsifal: Awesome! I sort of prefer it as a middle name. But still, really cool to see!
Carlotta: Nope. Too diva for me.
Ona - Louise: I like this. I like Ona and Ona-Louise works well as a hyphenated name.
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Re: Some unusual names in Belgian primary school (long list)  ·  Thalia  ·  11/25/2013, 8:37 AM