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[Opinions] Re: Do it. nt
Here is my inbox (I left the names of people who have messaged me, hope that's ok with everyone, topics are irrelevant)

Please note the single double arrows next to ONE of vladislava's PMs, that is the one I replied to.
Please also note that Vladislava has just today unblocked me to send me another message. Here is my outbox, showing ONE outgoing message to vladislava:

Also, one outgoing message to Mike, because I have decided to report this. Here is my deleted messages:
Here is the bottom of my inbox, showing PMs from 2007:
Here is the only message I ever sent vladislava:

Hope you all enjoyed! I can post the content of HER messages when I get home from work in an hour if requested.
Fay | Evander | Sky
Mavis | Ziya | Silver
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You go girl!Wish I was more tech-savvy.
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