[Opinions] Re: Steliana
in reply to a message by Ruta
I have this name on my PNL and I had never considered that it sounded like a band name until you said this and now I'll probbaly think that every time I see it.It just fits in with bands like Augustana and Gloriana. Steliana wouldn't surprise me at all in that list.I still like Steliana, but I do agree with mirfak that Stellana or Stelania would be more interesting.
(And while we're mentioning alternatives, I've always adored Stelara too... even way before it became a medication).Steliana Astrid
Steliana Beatrix
Steliana Calanthe
Steliana Dagmar
Steliana Elisabeth
Steliana Francesca
Steliana Gabrielle
Steliana Helene
Steliana Ianthe
Steliana Josephine
Steliana Keturah
Steliana Lorelei
Steliana Margaux
Steliana Niamh
Steliana Odette
Steliana Pearl
Steliana Ruxandra
Steliana Simone
Steliana Thalia (I'm using the tah-LYE-ah pronunciation for this. Some of the others sound funny with Steliana.)
Steliana Vianne
Steliana Willow
Steliana Xanthe
Steliana Ysabel
Steliana Zoya

Evgeniy • Vyvyan • DashiellBrooklynSebastianJamesNikitaSilviuHadleyCaius
NataliaVivianaGratianaEugeniaMaximiliana • Anemona • ValentynaDaciana • Feodosia • Harmony

This message was edited 10/1/2018, 9:30 AM

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Steliana  ·  Ruta  ·  9/30/2018, 12:55 PM
Re: Steliana  ·  Siân  ·  10/1/2018, 9:26 AM
Re: Steliana  ·  mirfak  ·  9/30/2018, 7:59 PM
Re: Steliana  ·  Zina  ·  9/30/2018, 7:45 PM
Re: Steliana  ·  Felie  ·  9/30/2018, 1:52 PM