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[Opinions] Re: Catherine and Caroline
QuoteCatherine always feels like a girl boss to me. It has strength and beauty to it. Caroline feels less physically strong, but more traditional feminine and sweet.
Interesting - my impressions are the opposite! Catherine feels wafer-thin, waifish, wispy. I blame the first e, which makes it unclear whether you should pronounce it with 2 or 3 syllables. I've always preferred Catherine to Katherine (I don't much like either), but the advantage Katherine does have is that it looks stronger. But I think they both lack flavour.Caroline feels much stronger. Whereas a Catherine would be pale and consumptive, a Caroline would have a healthy glow to her cheeks and be more vigorous. Maybe it's because the only Caroline I know is very vivacious, energetic, and has a very posh Southern English accent, but I can see a Caroline as a brisk, but friendly aristocrat with a passion for horse riding. I definitely agree with New_Chloe's description - Caroline is glossy. Caroline will also always make me think of the user Caroline/Martha. 🕊️❣️🌻💌🌻❣️🕊️masculine list:
feminine list:
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