[Opinions] Re: Looking for more cruel names
in reply to a message by DarkLily243
Thanks so much! I love those names!
I totally agree with what you said and I didn't mean to offend anyone with my wording. These are just the names that I've had people call me cruel for considering. The amount of Ethel hate I've heard is bizarre!
I totally agree with what you said and I didn't mean to offend anyone with my wording. These are just the names that I've had people call me cruel for considering. The amount of Ethel hate I've heard is bizarre!
Oh, no offense caused :) it was really a comment on my own thought process of what would be a "cruel" name. A name that is very unusual and difficult to pronounce where a person actually lives could definitely be inconsiderate, even if it's a classic name elsewhere. I agree, Ethel hate is bizarre to me, but it's based on people's own associations. I'm naming babies and I don't even tell anyone my choices, because people criticise based on *their* experiences, not mine. I'm at a point where having a name I love called "cruel" just gives manipulation. It's so subjective and the only opinion that really matters is mine [serene emoji]