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[Games] Re: CAF Generation (with decade-accurate names)
in reply to a message by Kielo
DW [1937]: Geraldine Sandra Rowntree (nee Martell) “Geri”
DH [1934], dec.]: Stephen Roy RowntreeDS [1959]: Alan Stephen Rowntree
DD [1961]: April Geraldine Rowntree
DS [1964]: Darren Martell RowntreeGeri & Stephen Rowntree: Alan, April, & Darren
DS [1959]: Alan Stephen Rowntree
DW [1961]: Shelley Jeanette Rowntree (nee Churchill)-DD [1986]: Anne Chelsea Mateos (nee Rowntree)
--DH [1988]: Clayton Garrett Mateos
---DD [2010]: Alice Diana Mateos
---DS [2013]: Alejandro Damian Mateos “Ale”-DD [1988]: Brittney Jasmine Lindsey (nee Rowntree)
--DH [1988]: Jon Fredrick Lindsey-DS [1989]: Austin Jake Wilton-Rowntree
--DH [1986]: Jimmy Micahel Wilton-Rowntree
---DAS [2023]: Bentley Vincent Wilton-Rowntree “Ben”-DD [1993]: Cheyenne Kimberly Leong (nee Rowntree)
--DxBF [1992]: Blake Dakota Fermi
---DD [2010]: Alexis Harmony Rowntree-Fermi
--DH [1989]: Marco Xinyi Leong
---DD [2020]: Delilah Shufen Leong
---DS [2023]: Bennett Xinyi Leong
---DD [2025]: Eleanor Mei Leong-DS [1997]: Brandon Alan Rowntree “Bran”Alan & Shelley Rowntree: Anne, Brittney, Austin, Cheyenne, & Bran
Anne & Clayton Mateos: Alice & Ale
Brittney & Jon Lindsey
Austin & Jimmy Wilton-Rowntree: Ben
Cheyenne Leong & Blake Fermi: Alexis
Cheyenne & Marco Leong: Delilah, Bennett, & Eleanor
DD [1961]: April Geraldine Rowntree
-DxH [1955]: Glen Robert Olson--DD [1984]: Denise Geraldine Salmi (nee Olson)
---DH [1983]: Johannes Mikko Salmi
----DS [2015]: Aidan Jonathan Wiljami Salmi
----DS [2018]: Evan Alexander Eemeli Salmi--DD [1986]: Michelle April Olson--DS [1987]: Drew Robert Olson
---DW [1990]: Sarah Margaret Olson (nee Baines)
----DS//DD [2023]: Archie Robert Olson/ Adalyn Margaret Olson-DH [1969]: Jerrell Tremaine Atwood “Jerry”--DD [2000]: Sabrina Angelica Atwood
---DGF[2001]: Coline Raphaelle ColbertApril Rowntree & Glen Olson: Denise, Michelle, & Drew
April & Jerry Atwood: Sabrina
Denise & Johannes Salmi: Aidan & Evan
Drew & Sarah Olson: Archie & Adalyn
Sabrina Atwood & Coline Colbert
DS[1964]: Darren Martell Rowntree
-DW [1975]: Marisol Tania Rowntree (nee Casas Bolivar)--DS [2004]: Alvaro Braiden Rowntree Casas
---DGF [2004]: Briana Averie Ventura
----DS [2024]: Camila Penelope Hazel Rowntree Ventura--DS [2008]: Casey Osvaldo Rowntree CasasDarren & Marisol Rowntree: Alvaro & Casey
Alvaro Rowntree Casas & Briana Ventura: Camila Penelope
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