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[Opinions] Re: Eden and Andromeda
I agree that Eden doesn't need a nn...I just love Edie, but I hate the name Edwina, so it is another name to use Edie as a nn for. But since so many people think it doesn't need a nn, I might rethink it.Thanks for all your suggestions!
I like:
Andromeda Carys
Andromeda Lilac
Andromeda Verity (I LOVE this! It is so pretty!)Eden Francesca (this is so beautiful)
Eden Holly (I am really starting to love Holly)
Eden Lucia
Eden Marcella (I think I slightly prefer Marcelline...WDYT?)
Eden Aurora (I slightly prefer Aurelia, but I love love LOVE this!)
Eden Susannah
Eden Pandora (I agree that this is a bit too much...but its so beautiful!)Thank you!
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