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[Opinions] Re: I'm curious.
I never I knew I would have to "guess" at the pronounciation of Corinne, as I've ever only known one way to say it. So I'd be interested to hear how your name is pronounced.
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I prn it cor-IN, not cor-EEN. :o) So, yes, I'm always correcting the prn, and since it's spelt with a K instead of a C (and it's 2 r's and 1 n instead of 1 r and 2 n's), I'm always having to spell it, too! ;oDedited for spelling
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This message was edited 7/26/2006, 6:07 PM

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I've only heard it as Cor-IN, I've never heard the -EEN pronounciation! Interesting.
I had a friend in junior high named Corinne. Very nice girl.
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