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[Surname] Re: My surname

Origen:  Vasco. De Bilbao.Según algunos parte de don Fernán Núñez de Vivanco, Burgales.
Descripción del Escudo de Armas:  En campo de azur, un castillo de plata y saliendo del homenaje un guerrero armado con una espada desnuda en su mano diestra y una rodela en la siniestra. Bordura de plata con la leyenda en letras de sable:
"Son las armas del vencido".

the above is taken from the following website:

I found some other Spanish site (and a Basque site, which seems a translation of the Spanish one) and it was more extend and it said the origin and meaning of this surname is still unknown. It is very old and before the Reconquista (which culminated on January 2, 1492). Therefore it was hard to find out the meaning and origin.

All that is known is that it is Basque and that it was probably from the city Bilbao, according to some people it was partly from don Fernan Nunez de Vivanco. What i found myself was a little town in Spain called Vivanca, but that was really tiny, so i don't think that quite a spread and numerous name originates from this town.
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