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[Facts] Re: You are The Guys! Please help me with my food project...
(have a) cow
Camel-jockeys (dont know if camels are edible per se, but they are milkable)
Goose-steppin' teetotalitarian (verse from recent Nick Cave song)
Les Rosbifs (anti-Brit slur by French, "the roast-beefs")
The Halloumies (anti-Cypriot slur, Halloumi being a yummy Cypriot cheese)
The Krauts
Tub of lard
Watermelon eaters
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Tattie - Scottish slang for potato, implying 'potato head' or 'daftie'.
Curiously rhymes with tatty, which can also be considered derogatory.
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...few more...The Frogs (Anti-French slur)
The Limeys (from lime?)
The sprouts (proposed anti-Belgian slur :P)
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Thanks, Pavlos! I like the tub of lard! Now, about limeys,is that a derogatory statement about the British? I dunno.
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I always thought British were called Limeys because of the barrels full of limes/citrus they had at sea to ward off scurvy.
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Quite true; especially as opposed to the Slimeys, who are the Belgian EU wonks,,,: p
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