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[Facts] A few names I can never find
My husband and I just started TTC, so we're looking for some names. I found these names on some message boards and whenever I look them up, I can never find meanings for them. Perhaps they are just made up. I was wondering if any of you knew of any meanings, origins or histories of the following names?:Girl
Tessandra (Tes-saun-dra)
Kiersa (Keer-sa)Boy
Keenan (Kee-nun)
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Combination of Dax and the name suffix -ton. -ton could be interpreted to mean "town, settlement" in Old English, but in Daxton's case may have been affixed to Dax just because it sounds good.Dax, incidentally, is the name of a prominent main character in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. I wouldn't use Dax or Daxton because of that. You'll be constantly asked if you're Trekkies, which is great if you are, but very annoying if you aren't.Miranda (who's a Trekkie herself)
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*laughs from Seda* (who's a Ringer)...*Aphrodite* (aka Hattie)
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Keenan meaningis Irish and means bright-eyed according to 40,001 best Baby Names
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No,Keenan actually comes from Cian, which means "ancient". It is Gaelic however.
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In addition to that"Baby" name sites like aren't a good place to find name meanings. They're notoriously inaccurate, with false origins and meanings galore. I wouldn't trust them with meanings at all.On the other hand, I trust Behind the Name above all other name sites.Please don't reference "baby" name sites like 40,001 Baby Names,, Baby Name Addicts, etc. ad nauseum. They mislead the innocent, and frustrate us who value true etymology and therefore know better.Miranda
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