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[Facts] Questions...
1. What is the meaning of the name "Tzivia"? I believe it's a male name (though it could be female...) and it has roots in Hebrew/ Yiddish.2. What is the meaning of "Gessina", which is female and Scandinavian?3. How do you pronounce the names...
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AnswersSalut Camille!
1. What is the meaning of the name "Tzivia"? I believe it's a male name (though it could be female...) and it has roots in Hebrew/ Yiddish.--- The name Tzivia looks like a form of Tzevi which comes from the Hebrew name Zwi meaning "stag".2. What is the meaning of "Gessina", which is female and Scandinavian?--- There's no woman in Sweden, Norway or Denmark with that name at all. Maybe you mean Gesina (I found at least 8 women in Sweden and 4 in Denmark with that name). Gesina is a form of Gesa. Both are Low German pet forms for Old Norse and Old German names beginning with Ger- (like Gertrud, Gerhild, Gerlind...). The meaning of "ger" is "spear".3. How do you pronounce the names...
...Gittel? --- GUI-tell (GUI like in "guitar" but with a short i like in "with". Stress on the first syllable)
...Crina? --- CREE-nah (just a guess, I don't know!)
...Siobhan? --- shee-VAWN (stress on the second syllable)Regards, Satu
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what is the history, mystery and meaning of the name Camille?
what is the history, mystery and meaning of the name Frances?
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Thank you, Satu!!By the way, I think I meant "Gesina"--I just didn't spell it correctly!!
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