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[Facts] Renaming the Isadorables
The "Mother of Modern Dance", Isadora Duncan, frequently went on tour with six of her brightest students -- young girls whom the press dubbed "The Isadorables". Their names were: Anna, Erica, Irma, Lisa, Margot, and Theresa.Because these names seem somewhat mundane, I was wondering whether anyone here might be able to suggest more artistic-sounding, unique, or interesting names for these girls to compliment the name of "Isadora", their mentor.I thought of names associated with dance, or names taken from ancient Greek legend, or even the following anagrams:Lisa + Isadora = Alissia Dora
Irma + Isadora = Marisia Dora
Anna + Isadora = Asianna Dora
Margot + Isadora = Gaia Storm Dora
Theresa + Isadora = Thais Reesa Dora
Erica + Isadora = Rosie ArcadiaBut I'm still not quite satisfied. Wondering if anyone here can come up with better names to rename the Isadorables.-- Nanaea
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Woa, cool question, Sis :)
Its tough to do justice to a name like Isadora ("gifts of Isis")! I'll give a crack at the 'ol Anagram Oracle too, trying to fool a bit with the Isis theme.* Anna ("grace" in Hebrew) Grace in Greek is Charis. Isis + Charis = Sissi Rachi
* Erica ("heather" in Latin). Isis + Heather = Seriah Sethi
* Irma (from irmen, Germanic element for "universal"). Universal + Isis = Silvia Sunrise
* Lisa (from Elisheba,"God is my oath" in Hebrew). Isis is my Oath = Myoshi Isatis
* Margot(from margarites,"pearl" in Greek). Isis' Pearl = Ilsa Spire.
* Theresa (from therizein "to harvest" in Greek). Isis' harvest = Sister Shiva.I hope to dont feel the above exercise Isdeplorable :P
vote up1vote down much I missed you, during my long absence, Bro'. :)-- Nanaea
vote up1vote down too Sista! Welcome back from your *too long* sabbatical ;)
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Okay, Nanaea, I'll have a try!What about these:I just tried to combine the "sounds" of the two names and find one or two other names. Well, the results are neither Greek or dance-related, but quite exotic! ;-)Lisa + Isadora: Lisselotte
Irma + Isadora: Irmenburg
Anna + Isadora: Anne-Dorle
Margot + Isadora: Mardís Dóra
Theresa + Isadora: Tersia Doreen
Erica + Isadora: Iselin EriksdotterSatu
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Interesting... And intriguing! :)
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