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[Facts] meaning of name
Does anybody know the meaning of the first name "Latchman"?
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In addition to the etymology given by Merriment, "Latchman" and "Lachman" are also Jewish names (both first names as well as surnames), and are supposedly a literal translation of "Isaac" (meaning, "he laughs"). Although, as noted, the actual meaning of the British surname "Latchman" has nothing to do with laughter.Although I couldn't find you any online sources stating that Latchman is a secular name used by Jews for "Isaac", I did find you a couple of sources for the surname: Nanaea
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Thank-you so much. How interesting.....this is the first time i have used a message board-so exciting! Cheers
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You're welcome -- and stick around. :)
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I's from the surname Latchman.My favourite book on surnames :) doesn't list Latchman - but it lists Latch, Latchford and Latchmore - in all of these the latch- is from an OE word meaning stream. -man in surnames tends to mean either 'servant' or just 'man'. So best guess for Latchman - 'servant/man who lived by a stream'.
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