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[Facts] Two names
Hi, I've never used this message board before but I just can't find the pronunciations of these two names, whoever I ask. They are both listed her but without pronunciations. Does anyone know for sure? Check the hyperlinks for details on their origins.Sapphira
ValkyrieThanx :)
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I dont think their pronounciation is set in stone and universally applicable. A German would pronounce the V in Valkyrie, bur a fellow in New Zealand fould use a V sound instreas. A Fravhman would pronounce Sapphira on the last syllable (SapphirAA), unlike a Greek (ZapphEEra) and unlike a Japanese (SapphiLLa) :)
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Question to PavlosHi Pavlos,what's the difference between"pronouncing the V"and"using a V-sound"???????????Regards, Satu
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What I was suggesting is that a "V" in Germany is pronounced the way an "F" is pronounced by most English-speakers. Volskswagen, for example is pronounced "Folskswagen" in Germany.
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Thanks, Pavlos,now I understand what you meant! ;-)But a German wouldn't pronounce the name Valkyrie with an F-sound but with a V-sound.In German a W is pronounced like an English V and a V is pronounced like an F. But V is pronounced like an English V in foreign words and many names as well. Only those names with a German origin are pronounced with an F-sound (like Volker, Vocke and Volkwin), foreign names with a (English) V-sound (like Viktor, Vinzent and Valerie).Valkyrie would be pronounced with an F-sound because the German form of the name is Walküre (it's not used as a first name though) so even this foreign spelling would be pronounced the same way.Regards, Satu
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Thanks, too :)
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