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[Opinions] Re: Ian
in reply to a message by LMS
I think Ian is a fine name, tho a bit boring. My co-worker just married an Ian, and he is in no way wimpy - full beard, hiker, works for an outfitters/sports store. His siblings are Heather and Brian. I think Brian is to similar, but it made hand-me-downs easier, just add a BR in front of IAN, hehe.I'm not good at sibsets, but most names would probably work since it's such a common name. Maybe Melanie, Claire, Cole, Tristan, etc. To spice it up a bit you might try some less common Scottish names, like Alasdair, Callum, Conall, Fiona, Lilias, etc.
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You mentioned Scottish names, but do you think Ian could work well with Norse names like Freya, Ingrid, Astrid? Do you think it could work with classic names like Beatrice, Amelia, Joshua, and Helena?
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Definitely, it's so simple and versatile. I think Ian and Ingrid is almost rhyme-y, but the others are good. I esp. like Ian and Helena, but it definitely works with the other classic names just as well. Also, someone said that the Ians she knew weren't too smart, and it reminded me that my friend's Ian is a mechanical engineer (almost)...Now, I'm starting to like the name more and more!
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