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[Opinions] Re: American names
I think your points are good. I think "cowboy" names, too. You know, Hank and such like. Winona is a genuinely native American name. I tend to think more of the states with Dakota, and the Cheyenne were a tribe. Also American place names... Dallas, Montana and Georgia. I think Washington could arguably be an American name since most people use it after our first president. Sierra is after the mountain range.

This message was edited 7/4/2007, 10:33 AM

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cowboy namesHank and Buck were medieval names, but are certainly 'American' now.

This message was edited 7/4/2007, 5:47 PM

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While I concede the origin of the word buck, as it applies to a deer, is Old English, I find it hard to believe there were any men walking around in 800AD Scotland named Buck.
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No, both Hank and Buck were solely nicknames.
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Washington is almost always a last nameAnd for some reason, you never see anybody but black people with it as a surname.
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Maybe they are descendents of Booker T. Washington or some other slave with an owner of the surname Washington?This is what wikipedia says anyway:
In the Americas, the family names of many African-Americans have their origins in slavery. Many of them came to bear the surnames of their former owners. Many freed slaves either created family names themselves or else adopted the name of their former master. Others, such as Muhammad Ali and Malcolm X, changed their name rather than live with one they believed had been given to their ancestors by a slave owner.

This message was edited 7/4/2007, 12:03 PM

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okay, but how come...You never see any white people with the surname of Washington? Did they all die out? Or did they discard it?
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Oh, I am sure there are Washington's somewhere. Ned Washington was white, but that is the only white person I can think of with the surname Washington. If there are any Washington's out there, speak up!
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Agree about "cowboy" namesThough probably at least some "classic" cowboy names are legitimately associated with other nations than the US. I would have thought Hank was too British? But perhaps not. How about Buck? Does any other nationality lay claim to him?And must agree about Washington - originally British or not, I think we Yanks have coopted it for all time. :D
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I see Hank as very AmericanDon't think I've ever come across a Hank here. Ditto for Buck.
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