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[Opinions] Re: Tarquin? (also, out of curiousity,)
Oh hey! There Quinn is, right there, sitting in Tarquin! I do not think Quinn is cool at all, it seems very silly to me that it's getting attention on this board / irl, but I like it a lot in Tarquin!Tarquin seems kind of medieval to me and therefore a bit fantasyish. It is also sparkly to me because of the t and the a and the qu. I am glad someone else sees it as sparkly :D that is one of my favorite qualities. I love glittery names.Cecilia's always been a hisser to me. :D Ava, Madison, Emily, Isabella, and then nasty old Cecilia ruining everyone's fun. Heeeem.I love Joanna too. Is it on my PNL yet? It should be. It is so simple and pretty. Totes different from Joan though.I always for get how cool JKRowling names her characters! D:
I actually knew a Cornelius who didn't have nicknames. And yeah it is pretentious I wouldn't use it probably, unless I had about fifty kids. But man is it stompy and fun!Thanks!
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