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[Games] Welcome May, Sandy, Emma-Louise, Sarah-Jane, Hannah-Kate and Jamie!
May Margaret is seven years old and from Toronto, Canada. She was raised Christian and speaks only English. Her mother died at her birth and her father died more recently from a long-term illness. May is very quiet, but really loves animals, and likes to play with boys more than she does girls.Alexander "Sandy" Miles is a two-year-old boy from Winsconsin. He has juvenile arthritis, but is otherwise very energetic and is meeting all his development milestones on time. He loves messy activities, loud activities, and running around.Emma-Louise, Sarah-Jane and Hannah-Kate are triplets from Houston, Texas, and are eight years old. Sarah-Jane and Hannah-Kate are identical, both with blonde hair and blue eyes, but Emma-Louise has green eyes, blonde hair and freckles. They have been in foster care for most of their life - their mother was quite young when they were born and was not ready for three daughters. Emma-Louise loves music and animals, Sarah-Jane loves art and animals, and Hannah-Kate loves dolls and reading. Hannah-Kate is diabetic and has to have insulin administered daily to keep her condition under control. The other two sisters are very healthy.Jamie Edward is six and from Michigan. He was abandoned by his parents at birth. When he was two he was diagnosed with leukaemia, and been battling it ever since. Jamie's condition is presumed terminal, but he is still having treatment to prolong his short life. He is nonetheless very cheerful and enjoys reading, playing with animals and being with other children.Congratulations on your new family members!
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