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[Games] Re: IndiaLOVE's Adoption Agency
LN: OchoaYour name: Alejandro Emilio
Age: 38
Occupation: lifeguard
Interests: swimming, sunbathing, writing
Disabilities: None
Smoke? No
Drink? No SO: Paula Angela
Age: 39
Occupation: dancer
Interests: dancing, singing, writing
Disabilities: None
Do they smoke? No
Do they drink? YesChildren (name, age, disabilities, interests):Name: Ignacio Alberto
Age: 12
Interests: writing, dancing, music
Disabilities: Asperger's syndromeOthers living with you (name, relation): NonePets (name, gender, species and other information): 2 cats named Lupe and SierraLocation: Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Canary Islands
House Type: Large house
Do you travel often? If so, where to: Mostly to mainland Spain, but sometimes to Morocco, Puerto Rico, or Mexico.Nationality: Canary Islands
Languages spoken: Spanish
Religion: Catholic
Number of children you’d like to adopt (max 7): 5
Genders: 2 girls, 3 boys
Ages (newborn-19): 2 boys aged 10-12, the rest aged 15-19
Nationality/Country of origin: Spain
Language preference: Spanish
Religious preference: CatholicWill you accept:
-Children with pets (what kind?): Yes
-Siblings?: No
-Best friends: Yes
-Neighbors: Yes
-Disabilities? (kinds and severities): No
-Children with long-term medication requirements?: No
-Seriously or terminally ill children?: No
-Multiples (twins, triplets, quads): No
-Pregnant teenagers: No
-Teenage mother/father (which or both): teen father
-Will you allow them to stay in contact with non-abusive sibs and parents?: Yes
-Other: We would like a set of lesbian lovers.Hope I'm not too late!
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Welcome Isaura, Adriana, Pablo, Juan Jose and Saul!Isaura Felipa is an eighteen-year-old girl from Madrid, Spain. She speaks Spanish and English, and was raised in a Catholic household, and still holds these beliefs. She is interested in art, technology, theatrics and British and Spanish history. Isaura's parents disowned her when she came out as a lesbian, but she wants to remain in contact with her little sister Reina and her older brother Cruz.Adriana Carlota is nineteen, and also from Madrid. Her mother is dying from terminal cancer but has expressed interest in remaining in contact with her daughter until her death. Adriana is a lesbian, and her family fully accepts this. She is in love with Isaura and the two are very close. Adriana enjoys tennis, soccer, dance and painting, and is more forward than Isaura.Pablo Enrique is a ten-year-old boy from Valencia, and his parents were killed recently in a fire. Pablo is a fanatic supporter of Real Madrid football team and would like to play for them himself some day. He also enjoys computers, video games and collecting model cars.Juan Jose Marco is eleven and from Malaga. Juan Jose's mother is dead and his father has Schizophrenia and was deemed unfit to care for him. Juan Jose's mother was a dancer and he grew up around the theatre, and has a love of dance and music. He is also very intelligent and devoted to his Catholic faith.Saul is nineteen and from Barcelona. His parents threw him out after he got his eighteen-year-old girlfriend Monica pregnant. Saul and Monica broke up shortly before they were due to be married, and Monica has since given birth to a baby girl named Lucia Alejandra. Saul is hoping to remain in contact with his daughter and desires custody of her. He likes animals, swimming, writing and being with friends.
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Thank you!Isaura and Adriana are glad to be in a household that will have their love be accepted. They plan on forming a civil union when they are older. Adriana calls her mother every so often. Adriana and Pablo have become active in soccer and are very good friends.Juan Jose and Pablo are close friends now. They have learned each other's interests and now do everything together.Saul finally has his daughter in his custody, and they are a very loving pair. Saul takes her to the beach all the time and plays with her.
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